This is no easy task!!! I can tell you that

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yeh that is a cool job thow!
Yea, but ain't it fun, responding to call's and having everyone just look and stare in amazment.
Everyone wants to be on the nozzle. If it wasn't for someone on the pump they wouldn't have anything to squirt out of that nozzle. Pumping is just as, if not more important as spraying the wet stuff.
I agree, but ithink that it is vital that all pump operators should atleast have experience on the branch to know what it is about,cause you get guys that try and screw you around on the ground but doesnt have the foggiest of whats going on infront on the line!
This the most important job in the fire service. The driver Driver/Opreator has to get not only engine but the crew there safely, then get the crew water to the end of the hose. It looks to be easy to the personnel in the jump seat, but little do they know putting the wet stuff on the red stuff is the easy part of the job. You all be safe out there reather it be a basci call or the five alarm...
you got to remember when your the driver an the guy pumping you tell guys what lines to take off,just don't let people start pulling hose unless you know what it is! i think being the operator is the most stress full part of it just trying to get to the scene is hard enough then was your there you got to keep a certain pressure an be able to maintain mutipile lines all at once
You got that right, Bill! Personally, I could care less about having the nozzle. When I go to a fire, I'm there to do whatever is needed, be it nozzle, tanker duty, or just rolling hose and changing air bottles. No job is unimportant!
We have a problem at our station that some people want to drive the trucks but when they get to the scene they want someone else to run the pump. Either they dont know how or cannt handle the strees. So our officers have came up with a plan to retrain who ever wants to run a pump and if you cannt run a pump you dont drive. If you wanted to be retrained you had to sign up for it because some people just dont want to run or drive a truck.
We operate that way. If you're going to drive, you run the pumps. Furthermore, you had better be certified as a driver-operator. That's why I stick to the squad and the tanker (if we're pressed for guys).
The most important job on the fire ground. You have the lives of the interior crew in your hands. The crews inside if it gets too much can bail out. You don't have that luxury. You have supply, pumping, lighting, and equipment to monitor.
This is an important service, honor. While one is on the nozzle and one is command, you are operating a powerful machine. Yes command sends the crews in, but you are allowing them to be in there and have their lives in your hands. It is the most stressful but most rewarding job on the fireground. Jump into it, find out how to best run the truck, pumper, rescue. I only wish my new chief respected this job, he thinks of us as "truck drivers" and "unfit for promotion". Lets get him back on the nozzle and see if he still feels that way.
Mike Kolotello: I totally agree with you, I instruct at our regional fire school in the Intro To Pumps class, the most important thing I tell the students is that "the lives of those people who are inside or outside on a nozzle lay in the hands of the pump operator" plain and simple, bottom line. Aside from the responciblities of command the pump opeator has just as much if not more.


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