We do not have smoke jumpers here in Missouri however tell us about yours if you do.

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We do not have them here in Oklahoma either but through you're state or Federal fire agencies they can be requested during extreme fire danger situations, They were in Oklahoma in 05-06 when everything was burning..

it is all set up through a system called Ross and NWCG , so lets say you're state fire managers have declared they are having extreme fire conditions beyond or over exhausting state and local resources they will put in a order to Ross for whatever they need and hopefully get it rolling.. It is the same thing that takes FF's such as me to California or where ever, And this includes National disasters as well..

Smoke Jumpers are attached to a Forest or unit but a National asset more less and while off duty Jumping or out of season will be serving across the USA as other assets such as Strike Team leaders or Crew bosses,Dozer bosses etc so you might have fought fire with a jumper and not even known it.. Doubt it though they are pretty proud fellas lol


Ross Link

Smoke Jumper Status Report
Thanks for the info it is very informative!
Anytime Steve,
If you look on the jumper status in Eastern Great basin you will see 8 jumpers are currently in southern region which is region 8 looks like on a prescribed burn .. Reg 8 is our region here in Oklahoma, and you Mo guys are in eastern region or region 9 and if Mass is in eastern region there are jumpers currently in you're region as well..The Smoke jumpers and type 1 hotshot crews get around alot more than people think..
Sounds, like you now your stuff! Your right Im sure we don't even realize it. We have gone on large Brush strike force teams across the state of Missouri with our hummer and manpower, but never out of state. I always here about other states running out of Firefighters durring large fires,which doesn't make sense to me or my guys when we are just setting in quaters itching to help?
Well you sit because the NWCG doesn't accept the normal structural Depts certs on Wildland fire, You need to push for you're department to get red card certified, The Government is just now really starting to get proactive on bringing municipal and Volunteer FF's in by adding the online s130 s190 class.. But my suggestion would be just to take the regular class because the computer course still requires the field day and pack test..

I might add the Pack Test Sucks! lol

3 miles with a 45lb vest in 45 mins on a track or flat surface and its rougher than it sounds lol
if you guys are interested there is a class coming up in may in Arkansas and i'll forward you the info
It doesn't hurt to look at it! We have a Summer Fire School in Missouri which includes a wildland school. It is in June every year. Apperently it is pretty big for the wildland folks. We mainly focus on the structural side of things but we should definetly get more training than we do. Its funny however our brush calls have been down the past three to four years.
Here in the Northern Rockies (Region 1) we have jump bases in Grangeville , West Yellowstone and Missoula. They have been used in my area mostly in the wilderness area's. My unit protects approx 800,000 acres with 8 type 6 engines and a Bell Uh-1h medium helicopter.
Hi Jim,
that is big country out that way! you guys been pretty busy?
Pretty quiet right now since we got another 12" of snow in the last 2 day's. As soon as the weather cooperates we'll be starting back up doing a thinning project. Most of the guy's and gals will start the end of May.
Hey gang we got to put the Hummer to use on a 1/2 acre brush fire. it wasn't the biggest fire but it was nice to smell the woods burning, especialy the cedar trees. We were finishing up when we recieved a Structure/House fire with rescue. Ended up being no rescue however the house burned down for the most part because it was a "Meth Lab" which had exploded. It went to a Second alarm mainly because of the cold weather, Souround and drown!
Yes, the pack test does suck....Badly...But once on a federal assignment the part of hating the pack test goes away....The higher your AD rate-A through M the more money you make.....The AD rate for EMT-B is 24.64 per hour.


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