I joined this group because I suffer from a few of the things mentioned. I am lucky that I can control my signs and symptoms most of the time. I refuse to allow it to interfere with my job or my Fire Dept. We had a call a few weeks ago involving a 15 month old baby in a pool. When we got there CPR was being done by one of our First Responders , We just scooped an ran. We are only a BLS squad but thankfully our lead was a Paramedic. We did CPR on this baby all the way to the hospital about a 15 to 20 minute ride. We dont have any ALS up here to intercept so we are on our own. Needless to say after the baby had been in the pool for approx. 20 minutes. He didnt have a chance know matter what anybody could have done. I think this triggered my PTSD I hadnt been on a call since until today I got thrown into one on my way to school. I happened to be 2nd on scene at an accident on the hwy, single car, no serious injuries but my natural reactions kicked back in. I am so hoping that today has brought me back from the past. I will never forget the baby call but maybe I can move passed it now with the Lords help.

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