For those who may not know, Sta 51 is located on the grounds on Universal Studios, Hollywood. My second favorite honeymoon activity ;) was getting a close up look of the apparatus at that station. I even got a picture of me next to the then current squad 51. This was before digital so I don't know were that pic actually is.
For anyone planning a visit to Universal, ask if you can visit the station. The worse they can do is say no. If your lucky like I was, they will escort you back-lot to the station. Also, if you take the backlot tour, sit on the right side and be ready quick. The bus drives by the station PDQ.

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the eng is on left that is first the squad is second but what is the 3rd truck

Patrol 51. I can't speak for LAcFD, but here we might call it a chem truck. Very useful if parking garages were a full size engine can't get into to.
So who do you gotta talk to do be allowed to head back there if you do not take the tour?
I went to guest services and asked if it was possible to get a close up of the station. They escorted me and my wife back stage. I think it helped that I was wearing a dept. t-shirt. I wish I could find the pics I took.
If I ever get out that way, the wife better have plenty of space on her digital camera or lots of film.
Would love to see that!!!!
the station used in the show is station 127 in carson, they do allow guest & they sell t-shirts hats etc, the station runs with an eng, tiller and a foam truck but no squad, the station is pretty much what you see on the show

Hi,  I'm new to this group.   The station in Carson is named after R.A. Cinader, who was the producer of the original show. Cinader was also the producer for Adam 12, which was a cop show. 

Rampart Hospital is actually UCLA Harbor Medical Center located in Torrance CA.  This town is actually a good distance south from Universal City. UCLA Harbor Hospital is a teaching hospital, and is part of the UCLA .   

Most didn't realize that Bobby Troupe and Julie London were husband and wife. Both are no longer with us. Robert Fuller, who played Dr. Brackett is still with us. 


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