its 3 am in the morning, his pager goes off.. he leaves the warm body laying next to him in a hurry, but remembered to kiss her lovely face before he left the room, turning around to see her once more before he left. racing to the fd 70 miles an hour, sirens blaring, lights flashing.. he makes it in time to be second due, they pull up to a apartment on fire, not knowing what to do he thinks, he hears a faint cry for help and knows what he has to do, he bravely steps through that smoke filled door, not knowing whats on the other side

and if he dosent come back, dont be surprised, because thats his job, his job is to put his life on the line to save yours, and sometimes, he does not come back..

that warm body dosent get him back, but she gets a funeral of hundreds and a folded flag to cry over..

but that isnt always the outcome, 99% of the time he does make it back, dirty and tired, and if he is lucky he will be able to crawl back into bed and wake up towmorrow to do it all over again

this is the true life of a firefighter


i added the underlined part to make a "happy" ending

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