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The Story (let me know what you think or take a jab at it yourself- all input is welcome!)

Kyle munched on the cold, greasy BURGER, his mind a million miles away. He barely tasted the meat as it slide down his throat; eating had become an automatic function for the vampire. It helped him fit in with his targets, somehow sharing a meal broke down the defensive barriers that humans erected. Kyle would deal with vomiting up the mess later, a few moments of torture would be worth the reward he was about to reap. His host excitedly spilled all the secrets of the MACHINE as he ate his own food, spit flying from his mouth as he described the intricate design. Kyle hid his disgust; only a few more minutes of misery and the secret would belong only to him. Kyle nodded politely as he reached across the table and picked up a goblet.

The meal concluded, the scientist led the slightly queasy vampire deep into the bowels of the laboratory. Kyle glanced about, trying to plot his escape should his intentions be foiled. Ever since he had turned, Kyle viewed everything in such a different light. Every encounter was an exercise in tactical planning. The young vampire snorted to himself, amused that he had been planning his own suicide only weeks before this. Now, he did nothing but plot his own survival. The scientist looked at him queerly. The old man didn't understand at all. Kyle smiled warmly, offering an excuse for his ill-timed outburst. Satiated, the scientist returned to his asinine tour of the decrepit facility.

Moments ticked away, the door finally began to open loosing a brilliant light that scorched Kyle's sesnitive eyes. He resisted the urge to shield them, instead reaching for his host. Without hesitation, Kyle sank his obnoxiously long fangs into the man's pale throat. Thick, salty liquid flowed into his mouth and warmed his body. Kyle drank deeply, ignoring the persistant buzzing that suddenly filled his ears. The noise grew louder, hammering into his skull with a terrible ferocity. Kyle dropped the corpse and worked his way towards the light; he was desperate to release the machine from its complicated RIGGING before his actions drew the attentions of less friendly souls. Still the buzzing continued, driving him well beyond the borders of madness...

...Kyle rolled to one side and found himself face to face with his tawny KITTEN, Asha. He sighed before rolling over and silencing the pesky alarm CLOCK. Another dream, another morning waking before discovering the secret. Pursing his lips, Kyle gently scratched Asha's furry ears and threw himself out of bed. He tugged on one SNEAKER, then the other before snatching up his BACKPACK and thundering down the creaky old stairs that lead down from his attic perch. He ignored the rest of his family, they just hadn't understood him. Kyle felt a pang of remorse as he passed the mummified figures posed around the table. His initial COURSE of action had not included such drastic actions, but their further intervention would have jeopardized his plans.

Thoughtfully, Kyle began his morning EXERCISES. Even after three years, he was amazed at the abilities that his body had developed. His strength was incredible, but paled in comparision to his mental capabilities. The morning that he had ended his family's meddling, a mere thought had silenced them all in the blink of an eye. Perhaps he would be able to release them from their wrinkled, dried cages someday. He shrugged and reached down to pet Asha as she wound her way between his legs. The kitten was a new addition to his twisted home, rescued from a cruel bully that would never again harm an animal. Kyle grinned broadly as he turned on his LAPTOP. He threw himself into an easy chair, settling into the well-worn stuffing as he considered why his latest plan hadn't worked.

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