Greetings folks, its beena while since I posted something interesting along the writing front. While sitting on my sofa, nursing the cursed knee, I pulled out a word search book. Becoming bored (a normal state for me these days), I pulled some words from the word list and wrapped a story around them. It is a decent writing prompt idea for those bored out of your skull days.

Here is the word list followed by the story. The only rule is that all of the words have to be used in the story. Give it a go if you like.


Nick waved his ARMS, frantically trying to get the attention of the police officer sitting in the coffee shop. Engrossed in his coffee and donuts, the cop did nothing more than glance out the window before returning to his belly-busting snack. Cursing, Nick resumed his flight through the frigid, wet night. He ignored the loud crashing behind him, forcing one foot in front of the other until he reached the sanctuatry of the old church. Panting, he closed the doors and threw the latch. Nick hoped the church would protect him from the angered spirit that had been pursuing him for days.

"Nick, my little friend," grumbled a voice near the alter, "You always knew exactly how to push my BUTTONS." The owner of the voice stepped out of the shadows and crossed his arms. The creature wasn't exactly grotesque, but, the sight of his four arms and horns was always a shock.

"Seek, I thought you wouldn't be able to come in here." Nick sighed and slumped into a nearby pew. He felt so DELICATE in the presence of such a powerful being. Why had he been such a fool? His desire to succeed as a writer had overwhelmed his senses; the deals that he made in dark corners were coming back to haunt him.

"Nick, why don't you kick up your FEET and stop worrying so much," Seek shrugged off his soaking trench coat and plopped down next to the morse human. "Anyway, I'm not affected by sacred areas like Lucifer is. You humans never think with your HEADs, do you?" The demon patted Nick with two of his left arms. "Now, shall we negotiate our terms? I'd hate to have to give you a special grave MARKER outside."

"I haven't exactly been successful, you know." Nick shrugged off Seek's apendages and scowled. "I sold two novellas, thats it!" The demon sat back and tossed his hands carelessly in front of him, which was no mean feat considering that he had four of them.

"Settle down, Nick. I gave you the talent to write." Seek shrugged before continuing. "Can I help it that you chose to visit the gretting card industry? I helped that delightful young British woman and she wrote an entire series of books. Seven, I think."

"Bah, don't remind me. The entire series is being made into movies, too." Nick balled up his fists angrily. "And, you could have warned me that other demons controlled that card company. I barely escaped with my soul!" Seek's booming laughter filled the chapel as he clapped Nick on the back. Both figures paused as an elderly woman in a tattered SHAWL crept through a side door and painfully worked her way towards the alter. She seemed completely ignorant of Nick and Seek, focused only on reaching the flickering candles that lined the sanctuary. The pair watched in silence as she light a candle, bowed her head, and again disappeared through the side door.

"Your poor writing TECHNIQUES have nothing to do with our bargain, my friend. Now, you have a debt to pay." Seek stood upright, flaunting his nearly seven foot tall frame. "Now, before Rillem and his lackys find you, are you going to co-operate with me?"

"Rillem? Who the hell is that?" Nick stood up, resigned to his fate with Seek. His once dripping coat was now warm and dry, something that Nick was extremely greatful for. As he quietly followed his new master, Nick was certain that he heard a faint scraping along the church walls. "What is that?"

"That is Rillem, trying to get in here to claim your soul." Seek said matter of factly. "I had hoped to avoid this, but..." The demon shrugged.

"You still haven't told me who Rillem is? I've never heard of him."

"Oh, you have." Seek pulled a ball of TWINE from his pocket. "You interviewed with him during your greeting card fiasco." He waited for Nick's shocked reaction before continuing, "Yeah, didn't escape quiet as nicely as you thought, did you? Demons are nothing to be triffled with, my boy."

"Great, I'm overjoyed to hear that," Nick frowned. "Whats the YARN for?"

"Twine, Nick. This," Seek held up the fuzzy ball in his hand, "is twine and Rillem can't attack you while you are connected to me with it. Be thankful that I recognize your abilities." Seek tied the twine to Nick's waist. "Just follow me and you'll be back at your computer typing away on your writing website by morning." The demon sighed as he moved towards the door. "The trouble you humans cause..."

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