What do you guys use for radios?? We use HT1000 for FD HT1250 for EMS and Kenwoods for the explorers.

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We are on the county's 800 MHz trunked radio system. Thanks to this we page on VHF on some off brand I will not comment on (god bless Motorola Minitor Series Pagers!). For 2 way communications we have Motorola XTS 2500's and Motorola Spectra mobiles. Not bad, but give me good old VHF any day!
My wife and I just Bought a couple of Dual Bander's from a brand called wouxun. They have 128 programmable channels in UHF and VHF (any thing from FRS, GRMS, and our local Fire Bands). We love them they only problem with them is they don't have a Pager board. They are small and compact, led flashlight in them, FM radio, and also field programmable...
We sue the Motorola MCS2000 for appliances etc & MTS2000 hand portables.
We are on a Motorola SmartZone 800 MHz Trunked System. For our Portables, we use the Motorola XTS2500. For our mobiles, we use the Motorola MCS2000.
I am curious to know what you use when it fails? I am involved in a volunteer organization known world wide as ARES (Amatuer Radio Emergency Services) were we are asked to assist when all else fails. What that means is when your radio system fails, we provide communication. It surprises me as to how many dispatch centers do not have a back up plan. What is yours?
VHF operations Department has Ht1000's and ht1250's cdm1250s cdm1550 cm300s. I carry a xts5000 though.


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