as most of you already know we're beginning a nother season of grant apps. for those of you that didn't shame on you !!!!!! inthe next couple of months anyone on your respective depts. that start running around asking a bunch of questions ( total runs last year, levy amounts,complete lists of tools, population covered,square miles covered, ect.ect.ect.) GIVE THEM A BREAK ANSWER THEIR QUESTIONS THEN LEAVE THEM ALONE . oh if your wondering ,I am on a grant committee . Heads up to those with their heads in the clouds F P & S grants are now open and will be until 5 pm march 6th. Also there will be a class for grant writing on feb.23rd. up in warren at howland twp. adm. bldg. /station 40 it starts at 7 pm . This class will primarily cover the dredded A F G grant app. STAY SAFE 28-18 sig.30 back in the barn