Is every fire that we go to under control with nothing showing?  Now I can't comment on this to the fullest extent because I was not there.  Even if you have had multiple false alarms at the same place does not mean that a fire didn't burn somewhere in the building.  Having herd that after further investigation by the PD in the building to find smoke extension in the building.  Lets not let our guard down just cause we have been there too many times for false alarms.  I will say that I did hear for the small turn out that the fire department had that night they did do a great job, considering they had two structure fires the same night one hour apart.  I guess that they were still on scene of the first when the second came in.  

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Curiosity killed the cat complacency kills man. I think everyone has been bitten by the its just a ………… kinda call. Then there is the one that grabs us and says look don’t take advantage of the easy bs run.. or you will be bitten. Just my thought. From what I heard that night they did a great job..


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