As I said in reply to another post, I currently live and work in Southern California. Yup the ratrace. I NEED to get me and my family OUTTA HERE. Ive spent a lot of time in Colorado over the past 6 or 7 years and I love it. Anybody have any ideas on job opportunities...Preferably on the front range...denver, afd, Colo Springs, Fort Collins....Any ideas? Apps? Jobs? etc etc etc...PLEASE let me know

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Because of the economic times I cant speak for jobs precisely as I'm not buero and dont know the budget situation however department wise...

Poudre Fire in Fort Collins is excellent. That's where I'm an explorer and in my limited knowledge and experiance I am very impressed. Very common sense, very no bull, very clean, respectable, organized, friendly, etc. Everything you want in a department, and its not too bad for activity. With I-25 on the eastern edge providing MVA's, the foothills on the west providing wildland stuff, rapidly expanding southward, and Colorado State University right in the middle theres lots of variety. Looking at Denver you'll find some more well known, more hard core, busier stations. But for a relatively busy department thats not in the typical city, a little more laid back, Id highly recommend PFA.

Another possibility is Loveland Fire Department. About 20 minutes south of Fort Collins, Loveland is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. We too have I-25 on the east side, making E6 one of the busier companies, covering the interstate, airport, and new shopping plaza. We also get our share of wildland stuff in the summer the same as PFA. The difference is that we are about a third of the size of PFA. Its a smaller community for sure. And whats more, Loveland is also a major retirement city in the country. With 5 or 6 assisted living facilities / nursing homes in the city, depending on your station, prepare to spend a little time running medicals on falls and other old age related issues. Lovelands biggest positive is its potential - rapidy growing city and a brand new chief who was just hired. The new chief is a good guy, he started in Loveland but switched to PFA where he rose to assistant chief I believe before applying for the opening.

So again, Fort Collins, aweseom city, awesome department. Loveland, smaller city, smaller department, lots of potential if youre looking to make a career here. I dont recommend Greeley (Union Colony Fire). I dont know much if anythign about their department, however Greeley does have a significantly higher gang and gang related violence rate then any other significantly sized city on the northern plains. Not the worst place for sure, but not the best, especially compared to Loveland and Fort Collins which I cant say enough about.

Thats the tri-city area. The three biggest cities north of the metro area in and around Denver. Hope it was insightful.
Thanks Ryan...I appreciate the "heads up". Fire departments need good young folks like yourself.


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