This just happen, a friend of mine come in and said his son's house was on fire...I decided at the last minute to go by and offer his family any assistance to get them by and low and behold right before my eyes, and now this wasent my department...There was Five (5) firefighters on top of this small frame house, maybe three bedrooms at the most with flames shooting out of the hole they just made, fire out the upper attic vents and windows with no roof ladder, no safety at all...Now lets thank about this....Five firefighters say around 180 to 200 pounds a piece, for a total of lets say 1000lbs on top of this wood frame structure...Now this is a paid department on this scene, not a single hose line on the ground, no one inside the house, just contents...I can say this, if those were my guys I would chew there butt like you would never believe...I tell you what folks Paid or Vol. things like this can go south in hurry...Commonsence go's a long ways, lets use it...

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I have seen this way to many times. This is not a federal job that needs one or two working and ten more up there watching. It only takes two people to vent most roofs unless it it a large commercial structure.
Tom you know as well as I do, its only going to take that one time before we are attending a funeral we firefighters that do this kind of stuff...Thanks for sharing


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