I realized a while ago that I have been coasting in my faith, to the point of neglecting my relationship with God. Now, I find that there is more doubt and fear than belief. I think the faith I had before was more what people (family, etc.) gave me, not my own. But I am really struggling to build my own faith, my own relationship with God.

Without that strong foundation at the center of my life, I feel somewhat lost. To fulfill my calling as a firefighter and to serve others, I need Christ at the center of my life, for strength to go beyond what I alone can do... but I'm struggling to find Him.

I would appreciate any advice, personal stories, or scriptures any of you might have... if nothing else, please pray for me.

Views: 621

Replies to This Discussion

Cassie I can feel where you are coming from.....I kow I still struggle to this day, but always keep in mind that our heavenly fathers loves us despite our failures...Pray for us all.....and Ill pray for all of yall
I'm in the same struggle you are in. Trying to find Faith in this world today is a struggle. I am reaching out to Christ everyday to find my place with Him. I help others because it's what I love to do. Plus I feel that it's my calling in life to help others. I have no advice for you. All you can do is stay strong in your Faith and I will be praying for you. God Bless you!
The more time you spend with someone the more you get to know that person. all God wants from us is to spend some time with him, and the more we do that the closer we become to him.
God is a loving God and does not punish us for the things we do, His son Died on the cross for us so that we can be forgiven for the sins we have done and might do. all we can do is put our trust in him and he will giud your heart in the right direction.

How great is our God. you are in my Pray's
It is so easy to fall away from faith being surrounded by people and their worldly ways. Your definitely not alone on this. I surely don't have it all figured out either but I do know if you keep Godly people in your life it surely helps. I know sometimes it may be hard to find God but he is always there, he just doesnt show himself the way we always want. The hard part is figuring out his plan for us, just pray,pray,pray for direction and discernment and never give up on Him. May God bless you richly.
I am new to christianity 5 yrs or so now if battled with my relationship with God.I hated him with a passion for years for my own personal reasons and I met a women after my divorce and she was a Christian and started teaching me the ropes if you want to put it that way.I used to break all the rules and didn't care cause I thought he was an evil spirit but now I see differently and how everyone will need him in the end.
I have no specific passages for you as I am not a big fan of reading so I don't read the bible I go to church every Sunday as there is now an excellent minister there and he gives me a powerful sermon and I urge you to find a church that has a good minister because it makes all the difference in the world when you have a person in front of you that can captivate you with his message.Or catch one on T.V. and listen to that.
I still struggle with some things that make no sense to me like how a guy can hijack a plane and kills thousands of innocent people and on his death bed he can be forgiven if he asks but those are things that will come in time and with knowledge.And dealing with people who are not Christians and think they can walk on you and you turn the other cheek.I do alot better with this as I have lost jobs also for speaking my mind when I should just suck it up and remember that he will watch over me but it is an uphill battle everyday in life living in a society like we live in.
I put it to people this way when I talk to non-Christians.Nobody can prove to me that the bible is/isn't a hoax,but if it isn't you may want to learn more and get to know God because you DO NOT want to be left behind when he comes back to get his people and if it is what did you loose from it,Being a better person,Not stealing,Not taking to bed every person that walked by you,not beating people up in the bars.This is what I tell people and they say that I can't be perfect and do niothing wrong so I don't bother. And I tell them He doesn't expect you to be perfect he just expects you to try and be and if you aren't he is vey forgiving.... if you ask!!!
Hope your battle gets better Cassie! I know I probably wasn't much help but I guess you know that you are not the only one out there so keep your chin up and you will find your way back to the path.It may happen on the street talking to a total stranger or that one message you got from church who knows but if you have a knowledge something will kick your butt back to the path of Jesus!!!
My dearest Cassie and other fire dept personnel . I do know what you are going through .The things of this world
will take over , all the beautiful things that Jesus Christ has given to us . Pick out a good Christian Church, and
get involved with born again Christians . Christ is closer than we all realize , I know that there is times in my life
I forget that Jesus is even here with me .

{1} Admit your need { For all have sinned & fall short of the Glory of God } Romans 3 : 23

{2} Believe in Christ { Believe in the Lord Jesus, & you Will be saved } Acts 16 ; 31

{3} Commit yourself to Christ { to All who received Him, to those who believed }
{ in His Name, He gave the right to become the } John 1 : 12
{ the children of God . }

Being truly sorry for your sins and , through the power of Christ , forsaking them , go forth to live for Christ .
He will give forgiveness , power , victory , purpose and Life Eternal .
Go forth Cassie in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord & Savior.
Milfred Harper
Cassie, thank you for posting this. I am new to this site and am going through a very similar struggle right now. As several folks have already said, you are not alone. It also does me good to know that I too am not the only firefighter going through this phase in my walk with Christ. I will be praying for you. Be safe. Stay strong.

Cassie, Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened , that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy , that it cannot

hear . { Isa 59; 1 } Cassie, I have been in this situation many times . I have always been ready to quit church

and turn my back on the whole thing , but then Jesus Christ comes through and He is always their to help me

out and I know that He will be there to help you. God Bless you and as we say in the Salvation Army , 'Marching

On , we are marching on ' Contact me on face book
All of us struggle with faith some point in our life. I struggle all the time because the devil is always working. It seems like he's working on you because GOD has something waiting on you. If you can't attend church on Sunday go during the week if possible. Don't let negative influences come into your life and deter from your calling whatever it may be. The one thing that helped me was to find liked minded people ans surround yourself with them. They will pick you up when our weak and you can do the same for them. It's more people in the world then there are Christians and we all have to stand by each other. I'll pray for you my sister and be safe.



God did a miracle in my brother's life similiar to yours, he too had a tumor and was in the hospital for 6 months for recovery. He is now working as a correctional officer in a prison, he is definitely touching those guys lives with his testimony.


Thanks for sharing you story and miracle.



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