Some of you may wonder, "how can I read the Bible differently or why do some people get into the reading like they are going to fight a fire?" I have found a great book called, "Living by the book." It is written by Hendricks. Ladies and gentlemen I can promise you it will keep you reading and start to change your attitude about reading the Bible and much more. You cannot grow spiritually without reading the Bible in your life.

If you cannot find it let me know but it should be easy to find. There are also some recent DVDs that have been put out by the same author for either 20 sessions or 7 sessions. He is a great speaker. Check it out  

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DC-Thanks for the information. And how true it is that if you don't read the Bible you don't grow! Remember what Bible stands for : B-basic I-instructions B-before L-leaving E-earth. There is also a great Bible accompaniment book titled "Halley's Bible Handbook" by Halley. It has been around for years and it is awesome! I had one as a teenager and somewhere along the way either gave it away or lost it. Now I just recently found the revision of it and bought it and remember why I loved it so much back then. Look it up. Stay safe, and stay low. God Bless.
I found your book. And I think I may pick it up... I could really use it and thanks for the info. Have a Blessed Friday All and Be Safe! Michael
Hi in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord & Savior . I have read the bible and enjoy the book very much .
I look fwd to getting a Catholic Bible because they have some readings that we do not have in our
Bible. I am a Salvationist . but am employed with a Catholic School and they treat me just like family.
This to me is what really Christianity is all about . I would like to Wish everyone a Blessed Christmas
and a Happy new year. Also remember that Christmas is not a holiday ; but a Holy Day and I believe
that it should remain as such , and not what the gov't's is trying to do.
God Bless the FFN
Thanks DC I have been struggling with that very thing. I think God brought me to this group to read your post if nothing else. I will look for it. Thanks.


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