Please be in prayer for my friend Tracie. Tracie is a career firefighter in Michigan. She is the health and wellness coordinator for her dept. Tracie suffered a stroke this morning while getting ready to do her morning workout. She is currently in the hospital, she knows what is happening but she can't speak as of 12 noon today. Doctors say that her healthy lifestyle and age ( 47 ) are working in her favor. Please lift her up in your daily prayers if you would. Not only for her health but for her spiritual health also, I don't know if she is currently attending any church. Thanks and God Bless. Chaplain Mike.
By HIS Stripes She IS "HEALED"!!!! I "S.T.A.N.D." (Speak, think, like it "is" Already, Now, Done) with my fellow brothers and sisters under the "MALTESE CROSS" for Tracie's healing!!!!