I have always loved being a firefighter and hanging around the fire house with the guys. Being a Christian, its hard sometimes to sit around and listen to some of the talk that goes on. Some guys respect my beliefs and watch what they say but even then it is almost like I put them in a bad position. There is one fellow fireman that is also a Christian and that helps. Does anyone else have this problem and what do you do?

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RIght now, I am just praying for courage to show my light. Every morning before I go in and every time that I say grace over my meal (especially when I'm on duty), I ask Him to give me the courage to just not "fall into the trap". To not laugh at the jokes or talk the same way. There are times that I am able to follow through, then there are other times I find my self right in line with the other guys. It's like the verse from Romans, "That which I would do, that I do not. And that which I would not do, that I do. Oh retched man that I am!" I just want His light to be able to show through me. I find myself getting upset with myself that I do fall back in line with them and am too weak to take a stand. If you wouldn't mind, remember me in your prayers that I can take a stand. Thanks. Jeff
Ok, Jeff. I'm prayin for ya. Continue to update me on how you're doin.

Jason (ff4christ)
Hello guys

Take it from an old retired guy .Just stand your ground ,and don't compermise what you know to be true.God is faithful and he said he would never leave us nor forsake us,so just hang in there.You will be suprised when one of those guys that maybe one time would make fun then when you are alone with him he will pour his heart out to you .Or even want you to pray with him or for him and his family.GOD IS GOOD ,YES ALL THE TIME.
Thanks guys for the job you are doing.If you get a chance please check out my web site and give me any feed back on how I can get this out to all fire fighters in our great USA.It's a great song for special fire services ,and for hurting families of fire fighter's.


God Bless
Amen, Brother! We all need that fire we once had when we first got saved. Living for God should never get old.

Well, I don't really have that problem in our department,but if you feel uncomfortable when they are talking about stuff that you don't want to listen to, pray. Ask God to help them stop or just ask Him to help you keep your mind upon Him at all times no matter what they are talking about. You said this other firefighter that is a Christian , you said that helps. Well, one day, you and him just need to go outside or at one of the trucks just you and him them you both just start praying because, the power of prayer works. Or, when they stop talking, you and him just start talking about God. You will get through to them some how. Please remeber this, if you don't remeber anything else, remenber this: Christ said, "Where two (2) or three (3) are gathered in my name, there I maybe also." And please remeber this, Philippians 4:13, I can do ALL things through Christ which strenghtens me. Good Lusk & may God Bless You, Your family, & Your department. I will keep you in my prayers.
Man I have the same problem at my station and where i work but I havent really found the best solution for it yet. I just hold my ground and hope they see that I am different so that they may see the lord through me. Just hold your ground and trust in the Lord and youll have nothing to fear.-- Take it easy and may God bless you!!!

Since the time that I firsted posted to this, several things have happen. First, one of the first guys that I first spoke with was our Dept mechanic. He too is a Christian. We were able to speak for a while one morning. Once we had, I could really begin to feel the Holy Spirit moving inside of me. That following Sunday, the message that ouir Pastor gave, moved the Holy Spirit even more. Part of his sermon, was when I got saved. He did not name me, but brought to mind that I was His child. I won't get in to the whole story, but when the alter call was given, I was there. I have become very ashamed of the Christian that I have become since that day. I was able to speak with him afterward. Between the sermon, talking with him and the Holy Spirit moving within me I am moving toward being that man that He wants me to be. I'm not saying that I have stood up on the table in the kitchen and started preaching Hellfire and Brimstone, but I am taking a stand. I've started just by bringing my Bible with me to the station, saying grace over my meals, trying to stay out of those conversations. I'm not saying that I'm perfect and don't slip-up but I can say that I am already better than I was. Keep praying for me.
God bless you guys, and stay safe.
Way to go, Jeff! That's fantastic! Keep that passion you have for our Lord and ask Him to grow it. It only get's better, brother. We're prayin for ya.

yea man, try being the preacher's daughter in the firehouse with your dad also being the chaplain...haha. most guys do respect me not only because i am a girl but because of my beliefs and know that i do not talk and act like that. Its hard to stand our ground because we don't always fit in in that respect, but if we keep doing what we do we begin to set a great example for fellow firefighters and friends. My church meets at the firehouse (cause our building hasn't been built yet) and because of our ministry to fellow firefighters and God's handy work... we have almost as many firefighters in the congregation as non-firefighters. Do not be discouraged when members crack jokes on you or don't talk much around you because of your beliefs. Soon they will see you are the real deal and have a good foundation in truth. Maybe thats just what they need, in time they might be the ones to talk to you about it. One person can make a difference. =] Keep it up guys and gals,
Jen Arnold 82
I know what you mean about guys not talking as much around you as they get the idea that you don't joke like they do. I have to admit that sometimes (even after my recent experiences) it's kind of disheartening to not be part of that.

I firmly believe that I am where God wants me to be. After 7 years of working the street as a police ofc, getting into EMS through that, and I know that HE has been with me through the last 18 months as a new medic and FF. (I nearly quit after 3 weeks as a medic because of several of the calls I had "right off the bat". And for my first structure fire 10 mins after new years, I got 2nd degree burns through my gear. Again, I've been having 2nd thought about "Tell me again, why I am doing this?")

I digress. It is disheartening to not be a part of their discussions, until I stop to think about the Holy Spirit pricking my heart and reminding my that I have been set a part as a child of God. And I am there to let His light shine. Like I said before, I still slip (especially when it comes to the language) But He still tells me that I need to watch the tounge.

Take care all, stay safe an may God bless.
I have the benefit of having one of my church elders as assistant fire chief. When he's around, the atmosphere is pretty tame, but when he's not, all bets are off. There is virtually no respect for my beliefs when I'm there alone. All I can do is refuse to engage in the questionable discussions and as often as possible, interject my Christian thoughts on matters. But the gutter mouths abound without restraint. But I just remember, "Not Of This World".

Stand strong in your faith and believe that Father God will not put before you that which he has not given you the strength to endure. Pray that the example you set would be followed by the ones who show you respect. Maybe the Father is already doing a work in them through you. Pray for those who do not, that their hearts would be softened. And pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to give you the strength to stand up for what so many in the brotherhood of firefighters do not know, and that is the Love of Christ Jesus from whom we draw courage and strength.
Jeff, I've been reading your posts in this string and it sounds to me bro, like you're doing it. While lots of the advice here is great, I think Ben's advice from page one is some of the best I've read yet.

Pinch yourself. Go ahead, do it. Grab a chunk of flesh and pinch hard. Did you feel it? That stuff, it's called "flesh". It's the same thing as the stuff coverin' the bones of everyone else you work with. So what's my point? You're made of the same stuff they are. You're real. You're flesh and bones. With basically one very large exception, you are exactly the same as they are. That exception of course, is your faith in Christ.

Do you want to be a witness to them? Then just be real. Don't be "religious" or "spiritual" or put on any type of air that might turn them off, just be real. Be you. You and I, we're going to suffer the same temptations they are, and with and through the power of the Holy Spirit we're going to turn and walk away from some of those temptations. At other times though, we'll fail to. We'll stumble and fall. So what!?!? Who cares!?!? The Lord doesn't! Well, He does, but He's more interested in His ongoing, eternal relationship with each of us than He is about our sin. He's already covered us in the righteousness of His son. When He looks upon us, it's through that veil of righteousness and what He sees is His creation that He loves eternally.

Open your Bible and read Zephaniah 3:17. It's one of my favorite verses. Daily, your God rejoices over you. He REJOICES (picture Him shouting at the top of His lungs in pure joy) that you have an ongoing, personal relationship with Him, and that for eternity your are His son. Your sin Jeff, my sin, it's nothing to Him when compared to how important our relationship is to Him.

So when you're feeling like you've failed in your walk, well, knock it off. You're human and imperfect and though we'll all endeavor to perfect our walk, we'll never succeed, and that is why we have Christ as our propitiation.

None of that, of course, is an excuse to knowingly and willingly sin. But you know what, we WILL sin. So humble yourself, push your pride aside and become meek before the Lord, that you might readily acknowledge when you sin and repent from it in order that you never allow your sin to become any kind of obstacle or stumbling block between you and the Lord.

So what's my point in all of this rambling?

That those guys you work with are going to know who and what you are simply by your saltiness (your walk). Salt adds flavor to the world, and it's also a preservative. So go add some flavor to your workplace bro. The Holy Spirit can use your saltiness to "preserve" a few souls while you're at it.

I'll be praying for ya!

In Christ,


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