I have always loved being a firefighter and hanging around the fire house with the guys. Being a Christian, its hard sometimes to sit around and listen to some of the talk that goes on. Some guys respect my beliefs and watch what they say but even then it is almost like I put them in a bad position. There is one fellow fireman that is also a Christian and that helps. Does anyone else have this problem and what do you do?

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Hey man, I know what your talking about. I am facing the samething, and I need help with it to. If there is anybody that can help please do.
I know just what you are talking about ,ther are several christians in our department but sometimes we don't set a good example.Just remember they take alot of things away from us but they will never take our Joy.
Being a Christian first, I haqve watched a sizeable number of the guys and gals on my shift respect my beliefs and do their best not to say anything offcolor, however there will always be ''a slip of the tongue" , which I do my best to ignore. There is a few non-believers that become very abrasive to me or other members that are Christians. I will usually attempt to engage the "agitators" in a Christian conversation and usually they will become inquisitive or they will leave the dayroom and go hide out in the truck bays
I have that at my station as well. I believe that just being there and being a Christ like example will help change things. I have noticed some change in the behavior of some folks, but more importantly I have noticed a change in the conversation at the station. The conversation leans more towards God and church than it used to. My advise would be keep the faith, stand strong, and continue to live to reflect Christ to others. Remember, we are being watched and sowing seeds even if we aren't aware of it. I would also say to get a good Christian support group, and I'm sure that some folks here would be more than happy to help in that, so that you have people praying for you. I will be praying myself. Keep us up to speed so that we know how to pray for you.
I agree with Pastor Brian.At our station...Everyone knows that I am a Minister but sometimes when they are around me they forget and say words they should not use.I try to overlook it because they are truly good people except for that one problem.Remember....we were not put here to judge others,so we just need to set the example for others to follow.We plant the seed and let God do the rest.We all have our own walks with God and can only set the example not make others follow it.Trust me...I learned that the hard way with my own sons.God Bless and I will be praying for you also.
I've noticed this too, but you just have to be true to yourself and remember to always honor God in all you do. Over the years I've noticed that attitudes and actions have changed in many of our firefighters . . . if only in that they temper their actions and language when I am around.

I've also found that when it comes down to the nitty gritty and people need someone to talk to over a bad incident that they will come to the Christians in their department to look for leadership and direction.

Being a Christian isn't easy . . . but keep an eye on the prize.
I am very fortunate our department is 90 % believers. We just started from the ground up and had to jump loops and hurdles to get our department running. Still don't have a station after 4 years but we do have the man power. We are out in the middle of no where. Where houses and street lights are miles apart, resources are very limited but We do have an Awesome God to show us the way. I will mention this to my fellow members and we will add this to our prayer list. God is everywhere and knows all therefore just express your needs and situation. You already know that you have favor in HIM so hang in there. Hang on to your GOD and he will direct your path. I worked as a correctional officer and the inmates gave me a lot of respect once they knew that I was a Christian. It's all in how you present yourself and GOD to others. If you allow little things to pass by, that little thing will get bigger and bigger if you allow it. Stand your ground and allow GOD to intercede for you. I hope I was of some assistance. Be Blessed and have favor in all that you do.
It's not so much of a problem as an opportunity ...... not to preach or criticize but to be an example. Remember: "Preach the Gospel always....use words when nesessary"
tom you have hit the nail on the head. sinners/the unsaved sin. remember you have what they are all searching for. keep being the light . remember we are supposed to be doers of the word. when they see your behavior and the christ like pease you have consistantly they will take you aside and ask where do they sign up
It's very difficult, but in order to be a light for our Lord Jesus, we have to stand. We have to put on the whole armor of God so we can stand against those attacks from the Devil. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of darkness and wickedness in high places..." (I don't think that quote is exact, sorry). Just like most people here, I've had to deal with that, too, and it's easy to feel alienated. I've found that I just have to get away from it if it's going to hurt my relationship with God and poison my mind with things that don't honor Him. God'll take care of you. That's why we have a Comforter...we're not always going to be comfortable, right? Keep runnin' your race.

God loves you,

Jason (ff4christ)
I really hate to admit this, but there are only 2 guys on my dept that know that I am a Christian. I know that this is a TERRIBLE excuse, but still being a probie, I'm worried about walking on "thin ice" and upsetting the wrong person. The other side of that coin, is that I feel that I could easily backslide. I have been trying to watch what I say and do, but it is really hard. I would be nice to have one other Christian to work with. Any ideas?
Hey Jeff,

There's nothing wrong with making it known that you belong to Jesus. You don't have to shove it down their throats, but even if you don't want to sit down with guys and explain it there are subtle ways to let them know. I always used to have my Bible out, reading it when I had down time. Even before that, they could tell that I was a christian, though. Your walk with God will show them you're a christian. God's stamp is on you if you're His child. Trust me, even if it seems they haven't a clue, they'll be able to see that there's something different about you. Be ready to give an answer for the life that's in you like the Bible says. I've even prayed that God would give me a way to witness to other guys in my crew. You'd be amazed at all the ways God opens our eyes to witness opportunities. Hang in there, man. Pray for power and boldness. We have a God who freely gives.

Stand up for Jesus,



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