Just wondering how you found your cat(s) or if they found you??

I had lost my best buddy, Roxanne, in Feb. of 1998 after having her for 12 years. She fought a liver ailment for just over a year, but it got to be too much for her and I had to put her to sleep. I knew I was going on vacation that year in June, so I waited to look for another. That gave me plenty of time to think of what I wanted.

I knew I wanted two female kittens from the same litter (to keep each other company while I worked). Roxie was black and white. Before her, I had AJ who was a tan tabby, before him, Twink who was a gray tabby, and my first cat was a Siamese named Samantha, better known as Sammy Pie. So I wanted something different. Always had wanted a calico, but also wanted a long haired gray and white cat. I never thought I would be able to find both from the same litter so I decided at least one of what I wanted would be fine.

The day after I returned from vacation, I was at work and happened to be looking at the "free" section in the paper at the beginning of my shift. I wasn't planning on getting my kittens so soon, but there it was, my answer listed in the paper. "Two female kittens, one calico, one gray and white fluffy." Couldn't believe it. But I wasn't prepared at all for them. I called anyway and the woman told me I was the first one to call and she would hold them until I could come and see them right after work. But I still didn't have a way to get them home safely so a fellow EMT who lived in the area, gave me her cat carrier to borrow.

After my shift ended, I went to see the kittens and was very hesitant when I pulled up to a run down farmhouse. I wondered what kind of health condition they would be in. I rang the bell, was let inside and there they were, curled up together on the kitchen rug. The woman gave me Alley first and she looked into my eyes and it was love at first site. Katie was a little shy but adorable. Both had bright eyes and were very active. I wasn't there five mins. before I had them in the carrier and was on my way home. I stopped at Pet Depot and bought everything I needed, and the next day the vet gave them a clean bill of health. Ten years later, I still think back to how I almost didn't call about them because I wasn't prepared at all for them and am so glad my fellow EMT helped me out!

Didn't take long for Katie to overcome her shyness. Now she loves attention from anybody who will give it to her. Alley is a "mommy's cat" and prefers just me and usually hides when others are at the house.

Well, that's my story, please share yours!!

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All my babies have come to me randomly, I never have to go looking! I used to foster pregnant cats for my local humane society (the babies are so precious) but I dont have time now. Still, everyone knows I am good at finding homes and whatnot, so people still bring me strays to care for until I can place them. They are so wonderful, I dont know what I would do without them! I have four now that are my forever babies, and so many that have come and gone to new homes I cant count. They are all so unique and personable!
How wonderful you are to do what you do with strays and what you did fostering pregnant cats. I wish I could do that but my community has rules on how many pets you can have at one time, plus my babies would be a mess if I brought in any more. Came close to adopting one a few months ago. He was so sweet and had lost his owner when she passed away. I would have loved to have brought him home, but would have had to put at least one of mine on sedatives! Wouldn't be fair to her so I didn't do it. Someone did eventually adopt him though.
Take care,
I moved to my city about 3 yrs ago. I am not close to my family and don't know anyone in town. I have depression and choose not to take antidepressants so this combined with the loneliness is difficult at times. I was out walking through the park near my home one night and there he was, he followed me around the park three times and would come to me when I called him. He didn't have a collar on and I only intended to take him home and give him something to eat. I watched for lost and found fliers, and there were none, so, the rest is history. It's funny, he was so loving and endearing at first, but not anymore. It's like he knows he has his "in". Even though he can be moody and somewhat bipolar, I still love him. His shenanigans even prompted me to try and find a new home for him, but a couple hours without him here was more heart-breaking than any break-up I've been through. I felt like a piece of me was missing and couldn't imagine being in my home everyday without him here. I think that perhaps we were brought together at a time when I needed it most.
Jim, That is wonderful. I'm so glad Morris found you. Funny you should post that just now as I just got back from Pet Smart! I always check out the cats when I'm there although it makes me feel horrible for leaving them behind! Wish I could adopt them all. All of them were so cute today but one had the neatest markings, she was absolutely gorgeous! Would like to have brought her home, but the two I have wouldn't like it very much!
My cat was a cat that wasthrown from a veichle... It started off like this.. We came home and there was this kitten on our steps ..We did not want a cat so we knew the girl down stairs was going to be a vet and that she would not be able to say no..So we put the kitten on her front steps laughed and headed to town.. Came back and there she was $300 dollar later with a broken hip the queen bitch of the universe.. Another kitten probally from the same litter sitting on our steps.. Down stairs girl thought we needed one tooo...lol.. So as she sitting on my lap as I write this,,, The boss of our house,,,


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