I stumbled across this on youtube and I've never heard of this tactic but its certainly interesting. Have any of you ever heard of or used this technique on a roof? It may not be the preferred method but its something to think about in a pinch.


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I have actually heard of this, very favorable things in fact. We had discussed it over at the IACOJ site a few months ago. I would imagine it would work very well around my AO as many of the homes are asphalt shingles over an existing cedar shake roof
I can only guess what the video shows since my employer blocks youtube (too much bandwidth for the T-1 that serves all county buildings downtown). If it is using the back side of a flathead to do your roof cut, it works well on the right roof (Plywood, OSB, Ect.). Now, if you hit 1" Oak Plank, good luck, that might hurt a bit. 1/2" Ply or OSB it busts right through and the blade does not bind in the layers. You alos punch a hole big enough to pull the tool back through with little effort if you go all the way through. It is the way I was taught in Level 1 9 years ago and it is the way I expect the guys on my crew to work unless we have a thick roof (or we cheat and take the saw, and it works....yeah right not with Mr. Murphy looking over your shoulder).
Interesting, ill have to give it a try. i wonder what kinda decking that was? If that is that chip board (osb) or what? i bet that would make a differance!
i must say i tryed this the other night and i works very well it was hard but i got through the 1 inch oak plank the better tool for that i founde to be a slege hammer it went through with ease it was nice and when you find that the other station didnt sharpen thier saw it a great back up
i can see how that would be a better way. chainsaw works faster.
This is very true....
I've seen it, didn't get a chance to try it until a month or two ago. Worked pretty well, I was impressed. Got laughed at afterwards, but worked pretty good nonetheless.
Yes the chain saw will be the most effective way to vent the roof, some officers I know like to go conventional for the tour, meaning no power equipment at all! You will be suprised how well your crew can think out side the box in getting things opened up.
If you have a weakened roof and are venting off the tip works like a champ. You remove more material, faster.
I saw something like that a while ago and liked it. I really liked when the mike came off the strap and bounced off the roof like a yo-yo. That's a move I'd make (and have).

Seriously though, I think the demo that came after that first scene (where he strikes with the blade side once, then takes three with the back side, once again with the blade as he passes over the rafter, then back to the back side again) looks like the best way to do that. Time to go practice.
If the saw works, ive seen where the saw wont start, then what AXES


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