I've been a volunteer firefighter for 7 years, and in High School I was an Army ROTC cadet for 4 years, Deputy Sheriffs Explorer and Fire Dept explorer. Now, I am working on starting a cadet post with my department and some of our members aren't really liking the idea. I was wondering what your thoughts of exploring are and how are you liking it?

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Omg i love been a cadet on r fire dept i always have alot of fun.... We have 12 cadets on r fire dep... Y r they not likein the idea of havein cadets???? Mayb if they dont like the idea then u need 2 show them how nice it is 2 have cadets & how much it help kids that some day whant 2 b a firefighter.... I maen the 12 cadet on r dept help do pretty much everything on the dept we get 2 go on runs,roul hose,claen,& anything else that the firemen do we do..... Idk how the cadets worked on ur dept but we have r own cadet meetns & everything we have r own trainings wich is very nice it helps us kno what 2 do 4 when we r firemen.... Well idk what else 2 tell u man... If u have anyomore questoin feel free 2 ask me & lett me kno how things go....
LOVE BEING A FIRE CADET. it gives you a job when you graduate or leave the military.
can you actually type out your letters?
i am a cadet for Btfd,

we have 6 active cadets, 9 alltoghter,

we get treated pretty good around here, the fire company really enjoys us being around, we do the regular labor, be the firefighters dogs, but they treat us really good
I have only been with my department for about 4 years and this spring I started a cadet program. I have 8 members and I am basically taking them through the Manditory firefighter training that the State of Indiana has developed. I had some members that were mad about the idea but they changed their minds when they seen waht I was doing with the cadets.


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