You've responded to a reported fire in an occupied Townhouse Complex.

Upon arrival, you find smoke showing on the Alpha side, and after a quick 180, you observe fire from the number 2 floor on the Charlie side. You are met by a female, who reports that there might be an elderly person located inside the structure. This is unsubstantiated, but the occupant’s car is in the parking lot. The fire was originally reported by a mail carrier.

The townhouse complex was constructed in 1998, and has a common two floor layout, three bedrooms and a full basement. The roof is comprised of gable truss construction with OSB. The floor joist are wood I-beam joists with plywood sub flooring (refer to; ) The walk up to the second floor is immediately in the front vestibule near the front door. There are eight (8) Townhouse units to the complex.

What’s your Incident Action Plan?

You have a company working the interior fire (suppression attack).
The Rescue Co., is working a primary search. (one team on the #1 floor, second team is attempting to search the #2 floor that is accessible and uninvolved)
The fire has penetrated into the truss loft void and is involving the roof
The task assignment for Vertical Ventilation has not been started.
A second handline is being readied for entry on the Alpha side
After ten minutes of interior fire suppression and search operations, a mayday is transmitted from a crew operating within the structure. Initial reports do not clearly define the location of the mayday alert.

You have fire progressing and taking greater command of the number 2 floor
The Fire is in the truss loft area of the roof deck.
You have a mayday.

What’s your Revised Incident Action Plan?
Resource Needs
Safety Profile
Building structural stability
Collapse potential
Possibility for further trapped personnel
Fire Extension
Greater Alarm

The clock is ticking…get that plan developed and start making your assignments………….

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