Virtual LAMP-Post
LAMP is short for Learning-Academic Materials and Programs and is an electronic version of the LAMP-Post offered at the annual Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) conference. Periodically, we will send to your e-mail address information deemed of interest to the professional development community, including new USFA research studies, technical programs, and press releases that may have relevance to fire-related training and degree programs, and FESHE-related announcements including upcoming conference information, updates on the model curriculum, and new activities.
Subscribe To Virtual LAMP-Post
If you would like to post an announcement, please e-mail it to The following types of announcements are welcomed:
Fire-related professional development activities in the areas of training, education, or certification, e.g., results of state professional development summits, articulation agreements, successful American Council of Education review of courses, etc.
Job vacancy announcements of interest to training and education communities, including faculty, staff, and students
Published fire-related academic research
Significant institutional grant awards
Requests for information, assistance, or input
Commercial announcements about products or services are generally not permitted. All submitted postings are reviewed and approved by the FESHE program office. USFA reserves the right to edit content submitted.