What does your department make you ware fighting brush/Wildland fires? Do you use Structural gear, Wild land gear, or duty uniform?

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We wear our bunker gear for the smaller ones but for fire a bit bigger we put on our wildland gear from lion apparal
We are issued wildland gear but how often it gets worn is a different story and yes I'm guilty too.
Our department has been looking into the wildland gear at this time we wear our regular duty uniform maybe a helmet. Its not the safest but the departments around us who wear their turnout gear tire very quickly.
I agree for the smaller fires about wearing the bunker gear. For the larger fires and the ones we travel to we have nomex pants, nomex long sleve shirt, and a helmet with a light on it. Of course boots and gloves are a must buts thats self explanitory.
I wear Wildland gear to any wildland fire do to the fact it could change from small to big in a spilt second.
Do you have any specific Wild land gear which is better than another. We are currently shopping, some of this stuff looks really cheap!
Any body have Wildland gear?
we have both bunkers and wildland gear. The wildland stuff is the normal green nomex pants and the yellow shirts. You can buy it just about anywhere, but I'd say get ahold of either your state forestry guys or talk to the NIFC in Idaho. Ask them for the fire cache. you can buy it there for a LOT cheaper than getting it commercially. Our state forestry guys in washington sold it to the local dept's for about a third the cost that it was being sold commercially. There was a grant request type process you had to go through, but it was just to verify you had a need, and I don't know many that didn't get it. We bought helmets and gloves the same way, but usually the firefighters went and got their own. As for boots that was up to each person to get their own. We used the NFA 1977 requirements, which are really easy to meet. I always went for more expensive ones, but I spent more time on wildland than most of the people on my dept. there. Here in Cali its the same. Boots are up to the individual, but the rest gets issued. We get ours from Cal-Fire, again the state forestry guys. I'd try there before you go commercial. Might save half the money you were planning to spend, or get a few more items at least.
we have both brushfire nomex shirts and pants and also nomex jumpsuits. personally I always use the jumpsuit. Quick to donn, goes over regular clothes if you like, has reflective striping, lots of pockets, works for vehicle extrications as well. we use 6" or 8 " leather boots NO steel toes or steel shanks, I prefer folks buy them local so they are sure they have a good fit , then get reimbursed. Miner type helmets (but the new phenix structure helmet I bought to test was pretty comfortable after 3 hrs on a wildland fire) , wildland goggles, hot shield masks, belt type fanny pack with fire shelter and water bottle holder, std leather work gloves or mechanic gloves. I suspect on fires that last many days the jumpsuit is not preferred but for the majority of what we do locally it works.
stick to approoved wildland ppe, structural gear is dangerous to wear for wildland, greater risk of heat injuries and weight can be more deadly than the fire and structure boots are to hard on the feet, they dont fit right and you will twist an ankle in them . You can get the pants and shirts and even web gear through GSA . I got all my last departments through the state forest service and am starting to get the department I am on now their stuff that way, some states are harder to get it but it can be done you just have to rattle the right door. My boots are not NFPA there is only one manufacture making them that way and they know and their boots are an arm and a leg in price and I know alot of people who use the same ones , thats how I found out abou the ones I have. remember just becasue something has a big name and or ahigh price doesnt mean its any better than what you can get from gov sources for a third the price .
wildland gear, agency policy, either yellow shirt with the green nomx pants (duty uniform) orshirt & pants or jumpsuit, along with wildland helmet and fire shelter/webgear
Hi, everybody. I just joined this group. We also usually wear our bunker gear, although our extrication/EMS coveralls are rated for brush fires. As far as helmets are concerned, we just wear our normal structural helmets for all calls.


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