I need to have a Senior Fire Fighter Of The Year and a Junior Fire Fighter Of The Year For the Banquet this year.
How I want it to be is that the person gets nominated and voted on by his peers. More than likely you will have three or four members in each category to pick from
The qualifications will be as follows:
1. The person who has been at and helped with the most functions throughout 2008
2. The person who has taken and or participated in the most training throughout 2008
3. The person who has responded to the most calls throughout 2008
Also I have thought about smaller awards for the person who:
1. Most calls attended
2. Most training attended
3. Most fund raisers attended
which will not be voted on but selected by virtue of the attendance and or activity sheets.

What are your thoughts? Give me some input.

Views: 132

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That is a great idea. When do you want to pick the nominees? Also, are you going to have awards printed out or were you planning to go a little bigger?
I,m not sure. Looking for some ideas.
Well, I think that as far as the two bigger awards there should be something a little bigger. The small single awards we could just print awards on paper and get a frame for them. What to do for the bigger awards I wouldn't know. As far as the picking do the officers come up with a few and then at the banquet let everyone vote then or do we let them vote on whoever they want and the one with the most votes wins? I am not sure how we do this. If we let everyone pick. This could just turn into a popular conest. I feel we should narrow it down for them.
I would do it somewhat like this:
Bully would let us know who the three top candidates are based on the attendance roster and activity sheets. Then at February's monthly meeting they get voted on.
AWESOME IDEA !!!!!!! I feel the juniors will especially feel they are important to each and everyone of us. Also to get that recognition is kind of a boost to get others to participate more.
Would juniors be allowed to get in on this?? i do feel like this would be something that we could possibly be nominated for considering its an award? i personally don't fell us juniors have the time in this year as the other guys but hell why not?
I believe I stated I want to have a Sr and a Jr firefighter of the year. and who says you guys don't enough time in? You guys (Jr's) are an important part of the company.
I feel that yes we are an important part of the company being we are going to be in the Sr. members shoes soon. i just ment that those early morning calls and the calls during the day we dont make it to.
I am not looking to base it solely on calls made but also time spent over all. Calls,training,fundraisers,etc. That why I set up the activity reports.
Good thinking. i think thats a great idea!
The Results are in! They are as follows:
1. Jr Firefighter of the year =
2.Sr Firefighter of the year =
3.Officer of the year =
4. Jack ass of the year=
and one or two other awards
All names will be released at the banquet.
Can't wait! The only bad thing is you wont get to ask my pop about "Ron Jeremy." haha they will be in Maryland. So it will be me and the woman.


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