hmmm....So how many of you joined this forum to actually discuss bagppipes?

I know a couple of you Play the pipes, but some of the others its not so obvious,,, some arejust interested in what we do, Love the pipes etc.. some might never want to commit the time money and energy to learning.., but in any case lets get the discussion going...questions? comments? history? ethnic aspects? ask...

I personally began playing in 1990 and its my 1st musical instrument within 6 months of begining while focusing on learning some aspectsof the pipes , myself and a couple of freinds began My states' 1st Fire or Police service/ EMS related pipe band, and launched it successfully.... as with anything, any part of the process depends on you, and you get out of it, what you put into it. Playing in a band setting and activly playing solocan be a great hobby, Lots of fun, and meaningful for those of us who are in the services.. and like anything the more you immerse yourself, the better .... in every partr of thecountry there are Parades, highland games, weddings , parties, union and other departmental functions , rookie group graduations, retirements, medal or awards ceremonies as well as memorial masses, Funerals , etc. Lets not forget the Saint Patrick's day festivities that are unbelieveable experiances for you, and with experiance and practice and some showmanship, are enhanced BY your playing....often as in the example of One event we took on early, was a Local's Memorial mass , begun in the early 50's , the department Lost 4 firefighters in a backdraft situation, every year the brothers were remembered and as time went on, others retired , and passed as well... BY the time we got the band going the Mass was nearly a forgotten event in the department the Diocese opened the mass up the outliying volly houses, then the diocese trying to keep it going, We chose the mass as our official debute, and found that with the band involvement attendance grew, and included many other counties being invited and the mass truely became nearly a Statewide event ..... (More will follow)

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