Who all rode the tailboard?

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well I know I did many times ,like some of the others have stated you would be getting dressed while the other firefighters would hold on to you from falling off this I know was very on safe but we still did it. We also had a 1952 Seagrave 75 foot open cab ladder truck that had a gas engine and then switch it over to a diesel engine.
Ah yeah, rode tailboard many times and would today if given the opportunity. Nothing like it, especially on those warm summer days when out cruising the neighborhoods doing hydrant maintenance. Riding that tailboard is an art form if done correctly. Too bad today's folks aren't allowed to engage in the simple pleasures afforded us old timers. Yeah, I know all about the safety concerns and regulations and all that but come on, you know you really wanna do it!!!
*raises hand* I miss it too... we were a little faster on the hydrant tag back then too.
By the time I came along the only time we rode the tailboard was on our brushtruck going in on a wildfire.
Great in the Summer- What a bitch in the Winter.
We had a small department and if we were stuck at the station we had to ride the tailoard to the scenes. That was back in the early 80's in a country town.
Only time I ever rode a tailboard was in the 4th of July parade at my old dept. I can see the appeal but I can also see the dangers that came along with it I mean it was a lot of fun but I could only imagine hanging on going fast LOL.
Been there done that, Ford Cabover, 3 in the cab 4 on the tail, bugs in the teeth cause we were all smiling, damn cold on a rainey day, and we never had anybody get hurt doing it. Our newer engines do not have engough of a tail board to even consider it.
yep...did it many times in Illinois...cold in the winter neat in the summer
funny we were just talking bout that here the other night, loved doing that, had a international cab over, you learned where all the bumps were in town and jumped in the air just before you hit them. i drove the turnpike here the other day for 45 minutes at 70 mph, over pot holes to a job, walked to the back of my truck and there sat my cup of coffee, and my sandwich right on the bumper, so who says the tail board isnt safe to ride?
Yeah Buddy!! You learn real quick not to ride with locked knees or you become a spring-launched cruise missile real quick. Damnmit I wanna do it again!!!!
Oh yea .... Tail board was the only way ... Driver and lt were in the cab and it was full ... Working crew was on tail board and ready to fight fire ... Ah heck we belley ached when they came out with the belts to tye us to the bar ..... Damn where did the good old days go ?????


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