Hi everyone, I am sorry for my intrusion in your group since I am not an Aussie:-)
Though I have met two Aussies in my life which almost qualifies me:-)

My name is Lars and I work within the fire service in Sweden.

I have a website where I try to collect training materials (powerpoints etc) from all over.
I am focusing right on ventilation/ppv/tactical ventilation or what you may call it.

I would really like to have a material from Australia about this, it will be translated to some other languages so that other firefighters can take part of it.

The general idea is to have database of material to take ideas and knowledge from for fire instructors etc. It would be a great tool to see how you operate in Australia which I know to little about in general:-(

So if anyone would like to help me it would be super!

Best regards / Lars

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hey bud, I have some good material from the NSWFB CFBT program if you want it, a few power points on TAC vent and stuff like that
Hi Chris!

Sorry for my late reply, some time since my last login here!

I would be very happy if I could take part of some material from Australia, in particular about tactical ventilation.
I have searched this website but I could not find anything about this matter.

I am very interested to learn more about how others use ventilation as a tool in firefighting!

I have made a friend request to you so that we can continue there.

Stay safe / Lars
I don't think I've seen any powerpoint on ventilation! Mind you, with a house fire it's pretty well doors and windows only until the fire has been knocked down, not all doors/windows are opened either, we try for across the house to have an air path. After knockdown, we'll have people up opening a roof, but that is initially to search for any extension - smoke removal is a secondary consideration.

Lars anyone who can drink as much as you definitely qualifies as an honorary Aussie! 

Great Idea Lars.


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