Well im on a roll as this is my 3rd discussion topic.... While the call out notification for volunteer fire fighters here in Australia is either via pager or mobile phone there is also the traditional method of alert volunteers and members of the public by setting off a air raid siren so everyone is aware that an emergency is occuring

As a kid i grew up hearing the Kalangadoo fire siren go off every summer for a fire call especially during thunderstorms this was back when our brigade had fire phones before upgrading to telecom pagers all the way up to our Current GRN Pagers

When theres a fire call between 0800-1800 hrs Mon-Sun our fire siren is set off manually by the first arriving volunteer after they open up the station and prepare everything but the siren is only set off if other brigade members dont turn up after the 4 minute response time

How many other aussie vollies have a fire siren on their station

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Many Vic Brigades have sirens, but not all. The ones I've been associated with now only use the siren during the day if the 1st person to the shed gets worried because there isn't a driver! The 'official' reason for being alowed to keep them is as a third in line backup in case the pager system goes down, pretty thin excuse as the CFA don't want sirens at Stations. The main back-up is for any firecall to be diverted to several stations in the area of the emergency, the phone can be answered at those Stations or by nominated member phones, for my Brigade that then means that each person who receives the call will contact five others by text message.
WE have one brigade in Mt Nebo,Queensland that has a fire warning siren to alert the people who live there. I think its a phone call for those in the fire brigade to notify them of the actual fire.
They have this siren as its on the top of a mountain surrounded by bush and generally one way up and one way out whne there is a major bush fire. Not sure of any other queensland brigades having a siren at their station. I know in my brigade we are unique in the fact that we have approx 4 people that live in area, and they dont always respond to incidents due to work.
Only four people live in the Brigade area? That's a bit harsh! Very hard to operate with such a low number. But what you've got is what you work with...

Having said that, I'm one of the few members of my Brigade that is generally available though the day. No work in the suberb, everybody has to leave the area to work. There have only been a couple of calls where I was the only person to turn up, but that's why we have plenty of support Brigades close at hand! The joy of being in a city suburb.
We have one, but we don't use it. We used to test it but got complaints about the noise! Now we all have pagers and SMS notification it is a bit redundant, but I have been itching to push the button, maybe next fire season!
I love that attitude Stephen! Reminds me of those people who move into a house next to an airport and then complain about the noise...
Move into a fire fire danger area, expect fires...
My brigade works on a pager system, and if that fails our Communications officers phone around.
Our area office sends out a text message warning of extreme weather conditions and major fires around (Wildfire Alert Levels etc) to ceratin people such as First Officers and Group Officers of stations.


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