With the fire season for SA and Vic approaching very quickly and being only 3 months away now is a good time to kick the footy around this forum and get everyones opinion on if they think this fire season will be busier than the 2008/2009 season or reasonably quiet

i'll go first with my opinion..... Since the 2008/2009 season here in SA was a balance between busy in some areas and quiet in others,with all the rain we've had during winter adding more fuel to already high fuel loads around areas like Mount Lofty and the South East once the el nino kicks in a couple months time im seeing it being a really busy season for South Australia starting late December or early January

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We've been warned (officially) that this coming season could be worse than 08/09. Rain has been low over the State, getting enough to keep the fuel load building but not enough to restore the ground. It is thought that we might be in for a busy grass fire season where last time it was more bushfires - whatever, it's not good news.

Locally we'll do our normal pre-summer run on grass & scrub training and we'll be as ready as possible. And do our best, as usual.
Despite the semi good rain we've had here in the South East Tony i've got that uneasy feeling that CFS Region 5 is due for a big fire this season mostly due to last fire season being quiet on top of Black Saturday happening in Victoria and a big fire up at Port Lincoln

This and the high amounts of fuel load that will start growing come spring once the el nino kicks in and rain dies off followed by the forecasted stinking hot summer make it a deadly cocktail for a major bushfire given the right summer conditions

Luckily i am going to be doing Plantation Fire Fighting in Mount Gambier this Sunday which will give me the necessary skills and training to deal with forestry and blue gum plantation fires in the 2009/2010 fire season
Blue gum plantations? Mate, you're welcome to them! I'll stand back and watch I think...

I think we're all (at least those of us with brains) hoping for a quiet season. Admittedly we all like to get out to a job, but please, no real big ones!

We had our annual dinner last night. The local Area General Manager came and made a short speach, mentioning Black Saturday and the 600+ fires we had that day... People think about the ones we were unable to stop, but we always forget about the others, the ones that were stopped; like the one in the Dandenong Ranges that had the potential to be the worst of all that day.
Well up in my area in QLD we have been trying to do as much hazard reduction burns as possible in the lead up to the fire season. Unfortunately weather and property preparedness hasnt been all that favourable at times.(its generally up to the property owner to put in fire breaks etc)
There is alot of fuel on the ground, which Im sure once it dries out we will be in for some busy times ahead. We have had the usual arsonists around again (mosquito coils seem to be their favourite thing this year)
Crews have already gone on Strike teams where there were already large wildfires (Rockhampton, Kingaroy, Blackbutt etc).
The motto at my brigade is "Have truck will travel", so if anyone needs assistance dont hesitate in giving us a call
Between the 29th of December and 6th of January we have had our proverbial hanging out. I don't know what it is about New Years eve but there is always an incident for some reason. Check out our web page for details of our activity. www.ghvbfb.org.au
I think it's safe to coment now about the last season - the way it was pretty mild! We had a scattering of fires of course, but nothing big and bad. Thankfully. 08-09 and Shit Saturday was enough for a long time. A mild winter season will do me too!


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