Should we include the thin blue line and the thin white line too? Or will this be a "Red Line Pre-Connect Only" party. 


Shall we try nationwide days or regional nights and throw out your thoughts on frequencies.  



 The big question is ????




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i personally see nothing wrong with including our cousins in the pd, but also being a member of a usar team and a com guy to boot i am hoping for this to be selfish. that there will be someone out there as a back up who knows how the equipment works and we will have a stand by hf freq to call some one on. and yes ill play as far as the other i have trouble wright now talking from Memphis to California, i just have to do a better antenna
I will have to be completely honest with you. I am not a big fan of PD bein a part of the net. I not completely sure but I do believe the boys in blue have there own net and I dont recall them inviting us to the net. Then again I may be wrong. If the nations finest wants a net let'em start one. Theres a fine line between the blues and the REDS. Granted we do work hand in hand with the boys in blue but it is two different world. Like blue and red.

Ok now the white line. You know what still even though alot of FFs are either 1st Responders or EMTs but face it what would FFs rather be doing fighting fires or going on your run of the mill frequent flyer BS calls for EMS. Those are my thoughts.
ok suites me i did not think of there net and i do think they have one also but can not get the cops i Know to fess up. so on to when and what the freq?
Ok freqs well...... to be all honest w/ y'all I cant think of a much better freq than 14.343 USB. I think its a good freq not only for the men who died on 9-11 but can also stand for all the men whos died in the line. If not that we could use freqs that end in 43 for 9-11, 03 for the Worcester 6, and 18 for the Charleston 9. For example 3.803, 3.818, 3.843 and so on thru the rest of the bands. I would love to get feed back from everyone.
i like that i am also wandering why i did that of it but any way day night weekend,i will have to get a radio at the station or use the command unit someone with a better antenna than i will have to be control my long wire is ok but not great
14.343 is great! How about time of day? 20 mtrs is a day time reach across the country frequency. I have a great radio room and antenna here at the EOC, but I am very far south. Anyone more centrally located for Net Control? Shall we base on Central or Eastern Time? So many details!
base on Zulu time all of the other net i check into use that. do we call by state since we are going national. mornings are busy at the station although there seems to be other nets on 14.343 doing a quick scan on google
Well 1st of all most the nets I know of are usually set on UTC time as most have use so that we dont have to worry about CST or EST.

Well theres alot of details that do need to be worked out. On my last 2 days off I worked on a Preamble for the net. I havnt quite got the ending yet Ive got writers block for some reason when it comes to the ending of the net.

Freq well we do have other options like I said we could find freqs that end in 11, 03, 18

Morning net of evening net dont know that either my mornings at the station are quite busy as well and well my atenna set up aint the best in the world as well. I deffinitly dont have 80 or 40 capability. We need to find out if there is any more firemen whos going to be a part of this net b/ there aint to many other ppl puttin in there 2 cents on this.
Seems most stations have 'daily rituals' they do in the AM, unless on call. I am in Oregon and at this time dont have a hf antenna up. but working on it. New Member KF7MUJ


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