Katrina: A Freight Train Screamin


Katrina: A Freight Train Screamin

This site is about the upcoming book dedicated to the firefighters and first responders who went into action before the winds of katrina died down...and rescued about 18000 people.

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The First Responders of Katrina

Started by Cary Black Jun 20, 2010. 0 Replies

 This book is dedicated to memory of Capt. Richard McCurley.  Capt. McCurley was a member of the New Orleans Fire Department (NOFD), Engine 4.  Capt. McCurley was stationed at the Bell South Building…Continue

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Comment by Cary Black on June 20, 2010 at 11:26am
On our BOE show tonight, we are having author Cary Black who is in the process of finishing up production of his new most compelling book “Katrina—A Freight Train Screamin’.” In tonight’s show, Cary will talk about his experiences in the Louisiana area in compiling all of the information for this account. If you have any questions, you can call into the show at (347) 308-8613.

Cary was kind enough to send me a preview, and I have to admit that I was “wowed” not only by the stories, but also by the pictures which show vivid imagery of what that part of our country suffered so greatly. Cary tells the story in a way that makes the reader realize how far reaching the depth of this tragedy was. But his intent was not to just tell the story of pain and suffering—it was to show the bravery of the everyday people who live in that area.

His book starts off with personal stories from the rescuers, from the New Orleans Fire Department, Task Force FEMA Firefighters, St. Bernard Parish Fighter Fighters, and the Red Cross.

Cary explains, “The next section is about the “folks” of the area who struggled and did the best they could…this section is the most intense from an emotional perspective. The third section looks at the animal rescuers and their challenges which is also fairly emotional. The last section is a kind of general summary of the lessons learned…both in civic response to takeaways on human response and how maybe things could be better with preparation and preparedness.”

“I’m tying in a humanistic end where I appeal to people to let their best human nature lights shine…and maybe cite what happened with Katrina as a media dominated event sculpting national perception…and that if we just sit back as a people and let our humanity (flow like so many of the stories in the book) that we can maintain our dignity as a country as a compassionate people, and as people who care about each other. In the end I hope folks get a sense of these heroes of Katrina…and they were just regular folks doing what they had to do.”

If you would like to pre-order Cary’s book, click into the link below.


Otherwise, I will announce when it is available if you would like to wait.


Live show times are 7 p.m. EST, 6 p.m. CT, 5 p.m. MT, and 4 p.m. PT.

To listen to our show, click into this link or paste it into your browser:


When the screen comes up, on the top line, click “On Air.” A screen will come up, where it says “Choose a Category” and then go to “Books.”

Then click into Books of Excellence – Bonnie Kaye to hear the show. Our guests also welcome any questions you might have. You can call in at (347) 308-8613.

If you would like to listen to past BOE radio shows that have been archived, just go to this link:

Bonnie Kaye on Blog Talk Radio

There you can click on the shows which are archived.

Cary Black

Red Owl Publications, LLC

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