Hello, I just want to say that this is an excellent idea. I think those 4 traits are the building blocks of the volunteer service. Unfortunately, there is a continuing decline in volunteers as years go on. However, I support anything that supports and sheds light to those who are interested to learn about being a volunteer firefighter.
About me, my name is Steve and I live in Shelton, CT. I have been a firefighter/EMT for 9 years. I did 1 year as Training Officer of my company and then went on to do 4 years as a department Lieutenant. I got involved through family members that were involved in the volunteer service. I work for General Electric to pay the bills but firefighting is where its at. I would not change anything for it. I have met some really great people and have seen things that most people would not even think about seeing. I have had a chance to provide a service to my community and my neighbors with most of the time just a thank you. But you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way. I have also been involved in starting a recruitment program for my department with some success and some faults. But, all and all if you can get 1 member to stay that’s a success.
The Shelton Fire Department consists of 4 companies with a total of about 200 firefighters (If I broke down our 3 categories of interior, support, and station help as well as consistent active members responding, 200 would not seem that much) that is 100% volunteer. We respond to about 1,100 calls for service in Industrial, Commercial, and Residential areas. We do not respond to EMS calls unless requested by the volunteer ambulance Corp in town. However, many of our members have some level of medical training. Keep up the good work and stay safe.

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