Ok you get issued a number when you join your department of course the chief is usually 101 asst. 102 and so forth 101-109 on our dept. is for officers  after that the numbers really dont matter. I noticed on other departments it may be different how does it work on yours? I am 116.

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I would like some, as well, please.
stations are 1-til you run out and firefighters are 2 digit from 10 on with chiefs and officers 0-9. so 100 would be chief and 104 would be capt. ect. everyone gets a number and stays with them till retirement and if an officer just use the officer designation. 500 -509. my number is 124. think expendentionly. if you keep on its 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 get the idea. its to slow going 1 at a time.
here in NewZealand we just get an employee number nothing flash but the i will always remember it as ling as im around , im 106314 or as it is more commonly used 6314 , we have the same for our recruit courses mine was
NBP 8588 once again something i will never forget
Our dept numbers go by 1200..1290's are officers and the rest are their hire on numbers. For instance, when I was hired on my number was/is 1235.. now that i'm a LT or the first LT out of the three of us..my number is now 1293..that's my badge number and call number.


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