Ok you get issued a number when you join your department of course the chief is usually 101 asst. 102 and so forth 101-109 on our dept. is for officers  after that the numbers really dont matter. I noticed on other departments it may be different how does it work on yours? I am 116.

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On our Department you keep the same number no change I'm 24
In Erie County, NY The FF number we are assigned we keep for the duration of our career at that House. If we move out of the District or town, that number is closed for 5 years for insurance reasons, and OSHA checks.
In my area it can be confusing but in towns that are departments the chief num is I.e 8000, deputyassnt, 8001/2/3 ect..ect...but in some towns that have mult stations but they are all independent companies their numbers are like 4110,or 3130 ect..ect but in some other towns like mine the capts or battalion chiefs are 3010,3020,3030,3040, and 3060 and one town uses xx10,xx20 as car numbers...so it gets really confusing if someone just says the number without the title.....

our county uses a 3 digit numbering system for stas. i.e one towns district number is 54: and then the station follows 541 or 303, or 101, or 672....ems stations are 7,8,9.
I my Dept. we have the towns designation first. Mine is 58 we then have either an officer designation letter or firefighter designation. after that it goes by seniority and rank. I am 58X8 which is the safety officer's position the chief is 58X1. A regular firefighter is a P desigation such as 58P10. On scene it is the rank goes by the officer number or if no regular officer is present the highest ranking firefighter or P designation is in charge until relieved by an officer.
Bats and up are title and then number exp. Chief 1 Chief 2, Bat 1. All firefighters paid or volly including capt are 2 digits 06, 42, 54(me), that number is yours all through your career and matches your radio's ID number so dispatch knows who is sitting on their radio. Cadets are 101-109. Trucks are three digits, first number designates home station, second describes type and third is basically random. all our engines are 235, 335, 435, except for one house which is 584, and that is one of our volly's highway patrol number who died in line of duty just after we recieved this engine so we renumbered in his honor.
We go by company numbers. Our company is 9. So I guess you can figure out how it goes. 900 Chief 910 Asst Chief I am 915. and it goes on.
at my dept im 133 asst.
Other then the officers, firefighters have no number on my department.
747, like the jet haha
For us it's pretty random. My number is 19.
I'm a volunteer and our station number is 800 and the chief's number is 801 and after that numbers don't necessarily mean anything.Our Fire Captains number is 867 and my number of course is 862...Our neighbor department is in Warfield Ky and their station number is 200.It works the same way over there as well because sometimes we give them mutual aid and they do us when we need it.Neighbors helping neighbors you could say.
My Captain's badge number was 22, which was not arbitrary. My wedding anniversary is February 2nd... (2/2)... :D



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