At our weekly work detail last night, I had to help another firefighter figure out how to put in our SCBA's in the jump seats in the new rescue. I hadn't done it myself, but as I stepped out of the truck, I proclaimed "Yep, in 18 years and 6 truck purchases, this is by far my favorite"

It's a new rescue that replaced a worn and torn late 70's utility van.

What's your favorite apparatus?

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For me is our engine 2. 1,000 gpm pump and 1,250 poly tank. Some fires that is all we need.
can we say Trans Formers haha
At Rockport our tanker at lake hamilton pt 1
My Fav 1
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what a truck!
my new truck E801
My favorite apparatus in my department would have to be our heavy rescue. It is by far the nicest of the two rescues we have in our department.

My favorite apparatus is the one we just got rid of. It was a 1978 American LaFrance Pumper. It was just a classic fire truck and you could hear it coming for miles. I don't
know what there is about it, but it was just a great truck
it would be little valley 6 and little valley 7

Mine would be our front line engines (their sister trucks). They carry everything I need, a hose and an airpack :)
Eric I agree with you on one of them. I would have to say that right now LV-6 is my favorite. It's just to bad that we got rid of Engine 2. I really liked that one. In addition to Ladder 6 I also like ATV-1 Polarias/Kimtek 6X6.

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