Hey Guys!!!!!! Last June, my department paid for me to go to the West Virginia University State Fire Academy for a weeks worth of Junior Firefighter training..: heres a list of what we did:
-Search and Rescue
-Truck Company Ops
-Engine co ops
-tanker ops
-urban and rural water supply
-Vehicle and Structural firefighting
-Auto Extrication Basic
-ARFF (airport rescue firefighting)
-Leadership and team building

And sooo much more!!!!! It is a great oppertunity for learning and connecting with fellow jr firefighters!!!!! We had kids from all over the country attending the camp. for more info, google search WVU Junior Firefighters Academy!!!! Feel free to contact me too.

Stay safe out there, and take care!!!
JR Firefighter J.Cooper

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Im just stating what we trained in....Not the depth or anything...besides, we're juniors, the class is gonna be a little different
Yes, they were more of lessons...We werent certified in them, or techs..We just touched on them...If you dont mind my asking, where abouts are you located?
Wow Ron, having inferiority complexes that you have to one up? My training was better, your training was nothing like mine, etc, etc. Your profile states you are in the military, learn any discipline?

The whole purpose of explorers/ juniors etc is not to sit there and teach an extensive academy for certifications, the purpose has been to give a taste of what the fire service entails, to allow the kid the opportunity to see if this would be an endeavor they would like to pursue. Seems to me this is what this academy did. I don't know of too many places doing so and most junior/explorer programs are based upon ONE's dept, not a general application like this appears to be.
New Hampshire holds an annual Fire Explorer Academy -

7 days in length, live on academy campus. Covers many of the same subjects... all FF1 subjects
Thank you!!! As a junior. we cannot have the exact training as somone 18 or above...We cannot go into a fire (level 1); we cannot handle haz mat's; We cannot enter a burning plane..So the thing I mean, is the when it comes to a JRFF, typically a firefighter, has a more extensive and in depth course, over covering what we are trained in...We train in what we are able to do. But let me tell you, it really does suck being underaged sometime, but jrff's have to be happy with the training and so on that we can do, and dont wish your youth away.
Hey Ron....give the youngman a break. John Crabbe I have to agree with you brother.

Ron, He was only letting people know what his department did for him, how well he liked the training course etc. From reading his post I feel a great sense of pride in that young man. YOU and all of us should wish him well and express our happiness that he's willing to be a Jr FF rather than sit at home and play video games.

To come on so harsh like you did is so unprofessional, {I also served in the AF as a ARFF and if one of my seniors heard me say that...WATCH OUT!!!}.......he's a Jr... and these young people are the next generation of FF and YOUR replacement in the service whether you like where he gets his training or not.

Also, to put down the WV FF Training is also unprofessional. How many training certificates do you have from WV????? Each state trains the best they can with what they have and the funding available. A lot of states don't have the money the Air Force, Navy or Marines has to work with. I know that Vermont don't have unlimited funds to train our FF. Does it make the training that much less informative and knowledgeable. NO..just less money to work with so you do what you can to train our FF.

He wasn't comparing his week of introduction to the fire service to any high level training. He was only stating how well he liked it. We have an academy program here in Vermont and I am proud to say my two sons completed the week of Jr Fire Academy training, have gone on to level 1 with one working on level 2 and one of them is a LT now.

Before you write such a harsh statement remember you once may have had the same since of pride and happiness as this young man. Here is some much needed advice I 'd like for you to always remember....." A certificate doesn’t make you certified. Attitude, performance, commitment to self and team; These and a certificate make you certified. - James L. Jester",
"What's the difference between training and experience? Training will always give you the test last. Experience will always give you the test first. ~ Ken Shand",
"There are four things you can’t replace……..The Stone………………After The Throw,
The Occasion………………After The Loss,The Time……………………After It’s Gone.
The Word……………………After It’s Said."

If you were on my FD and I heard you talking to a Jr FF like that I'd have you in a one on one discussion and ask you to leave for the night/time/etc. Then we'd sit down after a couple of days off and discuss what happened, why you let it happen, why you treated a fellow FF with such little respect and why you had an attitude!!!! Just to start with.

They always say always think before you speak........because once the words are said someone gets hurt and you can never take back what you've said. And no apology in the world will take back the effects you've had on the person it's directed towards. They may say they accept your apology but deep inside they're hurt and it's never forgotten. And you may never be truly respected by that individual.

Jacob my helmet's of to you young man. Be proud of what you're doing and keep up the great job. In today's fast paced world of video games, making time for friends and family, I know how hard it is to recruit Jr FF {and fire fighters in general} in to this dangerous profession. Your willingness to go the extra mile should be commended and highly recognized.

Have pride in what you are doing and I ask that you don't let the answers on this post get you down. Sometimes people speak before they think {in this case write before they think} and it can be painful.
Remember it's one person expressing a harsh message and not all your brothers will act like that. In fact I am sure more of your fellow FF will commend you on your willingness to be the next generation of FF.

Stay safe, train often and share knowledge.
Ok...I'm thinking before I write.........Yup... I agree with Mr. Flanders 100% I could not have said it better and I would not add or subtract anything from it, other than my congratulations to you and I wish you the best.
do you know when it will be and does it cost any thing
i also went hopeing to go this year!

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