I dont know if any one else has run into this problem or not but i have. Guys joining the fire depts just to say they are "fire fighters". Ive been in the service my self for about a year so im no verteran but sence then i have taken many classes and i have been in many struture fires doing all jobs from fire attack to water boy.  but there are guys on my dept who think its cool to have lights in their trucks and turn out gear who do absolutly nothing. if you have this prblm or a solution to it plz comment

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This post wasnt about the ones who come and do their job. Its about the ones who join for the "Look" and dont do anything. I could care less about why someone joind if they are doing what they are suposd to do. I had a boy on my dept who would show up on calls and sit on the tail gate of the truck the whole time, and whats worse is he would make fun of the water boy. At least the water boy was helping us out.
I was merely jesting (but now I'm serious). You seem a little defensive. Maybe it's just me.
It is a problem everywhere. Every department has a few guys who want to they are a Firefighter, and they show up part of the time. They don't go out in the middle of the night. They onlyy go out when it is ok for them. Its hard to have a solution for it except to enforce the by-laws and rules on your department. THat is really rhe only weay to enforce it.
im glad our department isnt alone on this issue. we have some like this aswell, also create chain of command problems on scene. it is never fun to deal with and not totally sure how to handle this. we are a paid on call/volenteer dept. its hard to get people as it is......more comments i hope in this area

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