Inspired by Firefighter Naum's
10 Minutes in the Street series, though not nearly as in-depth. Excuse the crudeness, it's my first post, and I'm not very good at all with photoshop.
Plain and simple, I want to know what your plan of attack would be, and how you would go about it. Cover all the bases, size up, manpower, apparatus placement, type of attack, ventilation, search, etc., etc. More specifically though, if you choose to go interior, I want to know how you would tackle this on an interior crew. Because if you're not careful, as simple as this fire may look, there is one area in this home involved in fire where you can get yourself into
a lot of trouble.
1 story ranch style, SFD, Type V Construction, no basement. The detached garage is approximately 15 feet off to the B side. There is a hydrant within one city block of the residence to the East, another is 2 blocks away to the West. Winds are out of the West to Southwest at 5mph. It's a nice Summer day, low 80s with minimal humidity.
Key: Grey/Black = smoke, the darker it is the more intense and harder pushing it is.
Red = Fire, the darker the more intense.