Since day one in the fire service, we have each had that one thing that we always carry in our gear.  A screw driver, pliers, wire cutters, rope or webbing.  Over the years we might accumulate more or downsize to just what we need.

What do you carry on your person?

I am always curious when I hear some state that they don’t want any extra weight on them, that their gear is heavy enough.

As you can see, we recently were issued the external harnesses.  We had members that complained about the weight and extra attention that needed to be paid to getting into the gear. I personally have not had any problems and I will post on these harnesses another time.

The matter at hand is “what’s in your pockets?”  I have things that I always carry with me no matter what and there are some items that I would like to add and just haven’t done it yet.

I keep a 30 foot piece of webbing, two cords, wire cutters, (need new ones), regular pliers, screw drivers, a  center punch and I wear a flash light on my coat.  There are some items that I need to add, but for now this is what I have.  For example, I would like to add a 25 and 50 foot section of 8mm rope, wooden wedges and a new pair of spring loaded wire cutters.

Flash light on the coat.

What do you carry and why?  Do you have any great stories of needing any of your tools and were glad you had them?

Share your input and give us your recommendations and suggestions on what to carry and why.

Stay safe and be careful out there.

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I carry
Outside of coat : A flashlight, and 1 Accountablilty tag
Radio pouch: saftey glasses
Inside pocket: My hood
Left pocket: extrication gloves, wire cutters
right pocket: webbing
Left pants pocket: left fire glove
Right pants pocket : right fire glove
I just carry the essentials
This is another post that has been beaten to death....What's next....? I know...What color is your equipment...and what color is your helmet...?

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