SAN ANTONIO - New photos of a San Antonio Park Police officer have surfaced, and the photos show the officer posing with a woman who is exposing her breasts.
Full story plus pictures at

This story highlights the importance of "thinking before you act" and also highlights yet again, the big issue of scrutiny, especially when on duty, regardless of whether you're a cop, a firey or an ambo....

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The union will get him out of this one. So a woman asks to take their pic with an officer... Be nice to the public, preach good PR and when they go to shoot the pic they make a few seductive poses... so what!

How did he know that was going to happen?

In this first photo I see no bare boobs... just some big ones that are close to popping out.
Check out the link and then the photos- there's loads of boobs, though censored for the web....
Yeah not all the same guy though... some are definately in trouble
Are they hookers? How much does a police officer have to pay? Funny pic, but not to professional.
I bet if he got into trouble, he wishes they were at least hotter.
Always, let me repeat that, Always pay attention to what's going on when there's a camera around! Although in his defence, maybe she flashed her boobs before he knew what was happening.
So tell me WHAT GUY wouldn't want to have his pic taken with 3 women? Might have been in poor taste but aren't Police officers always supposed to be curteous? Maybe they were . . . ummmmm . . . Party girls? Maybe they promised to buy tickets for the Policeman's Ball.
That isn't being courteous, that is being stupid.

I've had two stints of being in uniform in my life, the Army and now as a firefighter. In both the way you act has been the same. When you are in uniform, you are the organisation, you are not an individual. You must behave in such a way as the public cannot take offence.

There are too many cameras around now, almost everyone carries a phone capable of taking pictures. Those guys would have trouble convincing me that they didn't know what the women were doing. Photos = the net. To call that behaviour irresponsible is putting it mildly.
SSSSooooooooooo.. tourist or what.... come on guys if hot chicks wanted to get their pics with a fireman in his turnout gear ..hummmm.. I'm sure that one of these girls posted and this is what haPPENS.. He just their taking the pic with them what boob the one hanging out of the dress..... yea incase you did not notice thats pretty mild to some dresses women wear with alot more boob than that hanging out... Bless her heart she can wear that .... I see two cars of patrol soooo where was the other officers.....Big deal...........
Ouch, that would not fly around here where I live.

yea incase you did not notice thats pretty mild to some dresses women wear with alot more boob than that hanging out... Bless her heart she can wear that ....
Nice dress Anne- where can we find more like that? Must get cold...

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