What kind of run have you recently had? Any new ideas? Any comments? Anything different? So what did your day bring?

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Sat. we had a MVA w/entr. and a Haz-Mat. Monday we had a single VA. w/unknown injury. Check us out at www.WMTFD.org
Saturday was the wierd day this week. Had a plane crash(pilot walked away with lacerations), mutual aid to the neighboring county for a natural gas explosion(Single-family, mother and daughter with 1st-3rd), 4 false alarms, about a dozen misc. medical calls and a freaking parade...

At least the fireworks were pretty!

Started off the day with a possiable stroke call that turned in to a code call...first person got there and she got no pluse 2nd person got there and they started Compressions i pulled up and had them start baggin...road with in with the medics code 3 to Erlanger. Then just about 15 min ago 45 year old male fall from about 3 feet...i didnt respond on that one.
On Friday we took three people from the same vehicle to the hospital due to an MVA in a Sam's Club PARKING LOT... They t-boned a ford pickup with their Honda and TOTALED their car. They are trying to say its the pickups fault, even though they were coming up the rows. LOL, that was hilarious.
Thursday was two structure fires, one turning out to be a barn with a lawnmower catching the contents of the barn on fire, and the homeowner trying to push it out of the structure when we arrived on scene. Gotta love when they put property over their own lives.
Structure fire at 2130 hours on Wednesday. Detached garage, heavy smoke showing from the attic level on the A side of the structure. Ironically this structure was a quarter mile from our Chief's house and he could see the smoke from his front porch. We had an excellent response time, both our tanker and engine were on scene within five minutes of the tone drop. The fire was contained to one corner of the attic of the garage and was knocked down before the second due engine and tanker arrived from the county.
well lets see, first went to a motorcycle mvc which turned out to be an mvc from three days ago and nobody found the guy you can guess that outcome, then three hours later called to a hanging which he did about a month ago,,, as usual day late,,,, other than that slow weekend
Responded to an EMS assist for a regular customer at 0300. Non Emergent. The fog was so bad I missed the turn to pt's home and went several miles out of my way. I am glad this one wasn't time critical. Now I'm at my post in county 911 hoping we don't have a rash of fog accidents.
sorry about your grandmother, that's a rough week
Had an interesting run this morning. Paged out as an 88 y/o male who stated his O2 level was "low". Got on scene and his O2 level was indeed, low(0%!!!). His fingertip monitor had come unplugged....
02:30 this morning, cardiac arrest. 05:30, single car MVC. I went to work dog tired.
A assist to another town, 2 story structure fire!!! Noone hurt! During the heat of the day too humid as ever it was 85 not to hot for some of you but here in MI that is toasty!!!

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