What should we do when NON Responders come to this site to harrass, malign and stalk?

As an EMT I joined this site to exchange ideas and thoughts, share information, LEARN from others and continue networking. 


Recently after posting a video taken by a freelance Journalist outside my senators office, the man who verbally abused me and my children came on this site to spew lies he invented, make false claims and attempt to discredit me.  He also made attempts to find out personal information.


What should we do about non-responders attempting to use this site for something other than the purposes intended? Like Stalking?


The guy is only angry the video of him saying he doesnt if a 9/11 responder dies because she is sick from the rescue efforts clearly shows what kind of person he is.  It also raises issues I wrote about before on how those who speak out on the contamination, large number of deaths as a result of our service on 9/11 and lack of help for the families of lost responders post 9/11 are harrassed.


What should we do?

There is a clear difference between freedom of speech and maliciousness and stalking!

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You should report it IMMEDIATELY so the user in question can be dealt with. Include any messages, etc. and send to webchief@firefighternation.com.



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