What's wrong about this picture?


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I personally would be wearing a pack, but ya never know what the guy's reasoning is. Not sure I'd be attackin' that with a red line, either... :(
Maybe he suffers from dain bramage.

Cool picture! Those were the days. I remember that the only line that came off the truck was a booster line. If you pulled a large line you were in trouble. Times do change thank goodnesss.
My guess is this is an old picture. I would hope that now, full PPEs, including air, and no reel lines for any fire. But this is the way it used to be done. There was a local incident here were a FF and Capt were hurt pretty badly when a vehicle exploded. They weren't on air, before the times when hoods were used. The engineer grabbed the line and prevented it from becoming an LODD.

There is a video here at FFN showing a magnesium explosion that engulfed a hose crew at a vehicle fire. 25 years ago that would have serious injured that crew. Now, barely singed there coats.
What???? Chet and Marco were real men back in the day... Hey at least this guy is upwind and uphill, classic salty approach.

Packs are for pansies.... leather lungers forever.... "Ok enough salty talk gotta go do my
1230 dual neb treatment, stay safe!"
Picture was taken this morning. This is a large city department. That is their normal approach for car fires. I did this once. We were in the brush truck and caught a car fire. We were closer to the call than the station, and decided to go to the call. Got lucky and put out a fully involved F-350 with 200 gallons of water. We did stay upwind. Chief was behind us in the other brush truck, didn't say a thing. We did put an air pack on the first out brush truck in case it happens again. Our SOP is air and full PPE for every thing but grass fires.
Let me guess, Houston?
Hmmmm... I would like to trace that booster line back and see what type of truck it is connected to. Is this going to an older engine with a booster reel, is this a brush truck, or is it some type of quick attack 'mini-pumper' concept, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, is there jump seats (or other air pack resources) on board? I am from the full PPE and minimum of 1 3/4" line school of thought. And we wonder why we keep getting hurt and worse repeatedly. TRAIN and COMMUNICATE; I think these are two of the best things that we can do, especially in a forum like this. Learn new ideas and concepts and share them, talk about them, employ their use, and generate discussion to LEARN from our mistakes.
Try 450 miles north. Look at the space to the left of .jpg in the URL.
Then when I arrive at the fire, what do you see, the reel line going interior...

Really? Really??? Insane. Where is the line officer in all this...helping deploy the trash line?
I believe they use Crimson engines. Regular structural engine, no later than late '90's. Air packs in every seat except the drivers'. It's all available. I was taught no smaller than 1 1/2", and that was from an old school firefighter.

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