How do you see them in the line of fire? What are your opinions and veiws?

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I have worked with several women firefighters in my career. There were one or two, that in my
opinion shouldn't have been in the field. The others I worked with were great. If the person
can do the job, thats all that matters.
The way I see it is if the women who want to become firefighters, there should be nothing different that they have to do. If they can pass the Fire 1 class, all written test's and physical aspects of the job then good on them. They should be allowed to join the department. I have seen a few too many times where a women was able to pass everything asked of her to become a firefighter and her male counter part could not. But at the same time those who dont have what it takes to join the bortherhood then they add to the sterotype that women cant be firefighters and not cool. There is no reason why us males should look at the women that want to become a firefighter any differently nor hold them to any higher standards.
THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! If you want it, EARN it..... That's not the "Good ol' boy system" that's the right way to do things!!!
That's very sweet! I'll just speak for us all...You're welcome. LOL
I think that it's a partnership, and a family, regardless. If you work for it, and you can do the job, and well....then go get 'em...
Don't be cocky, don't be brave..... Be smart. If you can't handle something, tap into the resources around you...this isn't about's about teamwork, and saving lives.

The danger is not in holding women who want to become firefighters to "higher standards". They will be held to the same standard. That standard, however, in a misguided attempt to increase the ranks of women in the fire service, will likely be lower. The CPAT, for instance, which is already just plain easy, only has to be "passed". Grading the CPAT - like a written exam - would eliminate too many women. And we can't have that!
She had better fire knowledge and a strong work ethic. She didn't try to get around things just because she was female. She may not had been physically as strong as some , but we had never been in a situation where she needed to be at that time.
The women on my depatment kick the guys ass everytime. Whoever says a woman cant do it need to be taught a serious lesson.

Since you get your ass kicked by the women, what are you doing to correct that anomaly?
Female firefighters are just like male firefighters in that those that get into the service for the right reasons are an asset to their department. Those that get into the service for the wrong reasons are worthless regardless of their gender.

Right now we don't have any female members, but the last two we did have worked as hard or harder than their male counterparts, and often added insight to problems that most males wouldn't have thought about. Hated when both moved away, and both were told anytime they wanted to come back we'd have a roster spot for them.
So a very capable firefighter would not be a good one if they were there for the "wrong" reasons? Some people have expressed their view(s) that doing it for money is a "wrong" reason. Just curious.
I was wondering what the "wrong" reasons were, too. However, what I found much more interesting was the all-too-typical second part of his response. The women "worked as hard or harder" than the men. Translation: Men might be stronger, but women give more effort. And this: They "often added insight to problems that most males wouldn't have thought about". Translation: Men are stronger, but women are smarter.

So, there you have it. Women put out, uh, more effort, and they're more intelligent. I wonder if a man can do this job?

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I was asking what it was about the men, not the woman. Am I to understand that some of the men had inadequate "fire knowledge" and a work ethic that wasn't "strong"?

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