As technology rolls on seems everyone has a smart phone and or an Ipad......List what apps you use and and what platform it is and what you like or dislike about it 

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I have the HTC EVO, I use Cad Page for calls, Dot Lookup, FLCalc, and Epocrates. There is a local weather station with a radar app that I use for weather. And FD Shift Calendar for a shift widget.
Well, this thread is good for separating the old dogs from the young pups, if nothing more...
Hello I would like to know were you got the Firefighter Tool Set ?, I have a Blackberry curve 8520
After reading Jack and John's comments I want to qualify that phone apps are appropriate but not for active boots on the ground field response. If you are working at the ICP and collecting logistical intel to enable managing the incident then use of smart phones, computers or any means to collect data is appropriate and many times are necessary.

However, with that said, engineers are supposed to memorize the field hydraulic formulas, know their equipment intimately, including stepping on a charged, flowing hose line and estimating pressures. Talking on the radio and talking with your crew is not a bad way to do business...

Communication advances have been amazing but there is a time and place that often times goes along with being a fire officer, not a driver/pump operator or firefighter engaged in active firefighting.
Mike, all valid points. IF you are just an engineer, the problem is so many departments do not have dedicated personel, you might be pumping the truck today, be on the tip making enrty 2 days later, and you might not even get to pump the truck except once ina while. it all depends on the size of your department.

also many of these apps are meant for training and review to keep you on your toes as oppsoed to using on scene, guess it depends on each individual :)
Right now am switching from Samsung Moment to HTC EVO (both android) so apps are kinda in 2 places but here ges, DOT ERG, Spanish for EMS, BLS/ALS field guide, scanner radio, knot guide, pumpcalc, PDAnet and there are a few others that I cant remember off the top of my head. ERG and Spanish apps I have used on calls, the erg app is really handy when your not near a truck but want to be on the same page and the spanish app has really cut down on the number of games of "medical charades" I have had to play with our non english speaking clientle. The rest of the apps are the time wasters, some people play games I "play" with wacker stuff

I highly recommend Firefighter Calculator by  A great app by a firefighter -- for firefighters.  Not only does it have pump pressure information, it also has foam calculations and other nifty tools.  Their website is:  It's got both iPhone and Android versions.

I use Active 911, for incoming fire calls, and I also receive txts messages for incoming fire calls in my local.

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