When I ask people what advice they would give to a new instructor or training officer, I often get this long speech. At times, I've forgotten what I've asked by the time they are done with the answer. So I thought I would pose the question a new way. Twitter allows a 140 character statement, so in a way, we are required to be short, concise, and to the point. So here goes... if you were to Twitter advice to a new instructor... what would it be?

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Like a Boy Scout... be prepared. Also, become as close to an expert, if not an expert, in what you're teaching. If you BS a FF, you’ve lost your audience.
Stick to topic back it up with SHORT real life examples. Stay current on the material you are covering. Use several types of media. Make sure they are getting it. They MUST understand Hazard Risk evaluation.
How does it go? "There are no stupid questions." But, there are a lot of inquisitive idiots. I second the feed back to the student, as an instructor feed back is vital to your success.
Lead & Teach by example, the skills & concepts you instill may be either the life or death of the trainee.
K I S S Keep It Simple Stupid!!!!


Keep it interesting, remember how you wee bored out of your brain when some numnut was gibbering at you! lol

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