This morning at aproximatly 3:30am a retired Firefighter Jerry McPeak has passed away. He was a Firefighter for over 20yrs and has been active with the Firefighter networks until today. He's been a good friend of mine for roughly 10yrs. It's a terrible lost for all the Friends and Family. Jerry was probably one of the Nicest and Caring people on this earth. All though he's been Lucky as he'd say "back about 25yrs ago i was running hoses up a 5 story building, Trainig. And I felt a pop, i blew a whole in my Heart" They where close to a hospital in D.C. where he was with the DEPT. They saved him, but didn't stop him. He was one to tell you, that the job is rough, mean and sometimes down right Hateful, but at the same time how he wouln't trade a day of it...

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Thanx, itf's a true lost, to evryone, thanx for the reply. Have a HAppy 4th, Stay safe Brother and God Bless you
RIP our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends and Fire dept and community.
May he rest in peace.
RIP Thoughts and prayers to the family,friends and his dept

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