I have something that concerns me and I have got to get this out. The other day I went to take a PT test to see if I could get on as a fulltime firefighter at a nearby county fire dept. I felt good when I got there.. Well they was useing this vest not sure how much the thing weighed?? But it was the heaveist thing I have ever put on in my life!! I have been in the fire service for 18 years and being in fullturnout gear with an SCBA on would not be as heavy as this vest!! I didnt even get halfway through the course until I went down , I gave out!! And to those of you who think I am a whimp , let me assure you I am not I am in good physical condition, besides being in the fire service for 18 years i have also worked and lived on on a farm so I am used to heavy work!! But this vest should not be used in the fire service , I wasnt the only one haveing trouble with it!! I am also a safety officer with the volunteer dept I am with and like I said fire gear and SCBA weighs less than this vest!! I know depts need the testing but use a firecoat and an SCBA with actual wieght not these vest!!!!!! The idea in new SCBA design and also fire gear design is to make it so it has less wieght on a firefighter than to add weight to them , the less weight you can place on a firefighter the better they can perform there jobs and reduce firefighter fatigue.. If you ask me this vest is just asking for a lawsuit!! If memebers want to use it to do weight traing in and then let them use it but dont make it a mandatory thing!!

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What do you bet he raises hot house orchids.
Why are we all still wasting time with this....Other than for entertainment purposes. This guy has all the answers to all the questions, it's never him, always someone elses fault. The system is fixed and he's on the outside.
He's clueless and if he can't take a little b@ll busting...he'll never survive in a REAL FD (paid or vollie).
I'm sorry to say my brother-in-law lives in Ga. I hope it's nowhere near this clowns department.
PS - Where's Paul M. when you need him?
Piss me off more often.... :)
NAH...seen enough of that from the sideline. Ever caught a cat by the tail? All nails and teeth. :>
Can anyone tell me why this clown has 2 profiles??? He's a SIP (self important pr*ck)
Likes to fight with himself??????
Next episode in the forum will be, Hey, I can't pass the "WRITTEN" it was really hard, that test wasn't fair.... lol
Here I thought it would be on communication....

Guess I was wrong.....
I try to not let my anger get to me... I don't like getting angry with someone.
Looks like I missed all the fun.

Apparently most of his posts are gone?
Yep, I was almost through reading all of it when POOF!
Must have ticked him off.

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