What will be your staffing and actions?


Video below from Knoxville News Sentinel/YouTube


Friday, 1042 hours


Your department is alerted to a house fire. The calling party states they can see fire coming from the second floor.


What will your weekday staffing be?  How many will be on the first apparatus and how many will be on the second one?


Will mutual aid departments be dispatched? What staffing level can you expect?


What would be your initial size-up description and initial actions?


What assignments will be given to incoming companies?


Will you expect other firefighters to arrive via POV?


How will your RIT, RIC, FAST be established?


Will your third- or fourth-arriving company be assigned to the duplex on the left or will they backup firefighters in the part on fire?


What company will be responsible for ventilation?


Given your area’s staffing, how quick do you expect to have water on the fire and a primary search underway?

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