
I was wondering if some of you guys can come with examples of the the volunteer department works in YOUR area.
I am thinking about moving to the US for a couple of years, and could be very nice to know more about the volunteer fire services.

In Denmark you have to both live and work close to the fire house, as you have 5 minutes from the alarm to get to the fire station, change, get in the engine, and get out of the station.
When going from your job/home to the fire station you have to obey all trafic-rules such as speed limits, rule for overtaking, red lights etc.

How it is "over there" ?

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There are many similarities in regards to operations. However, some depts will determine residency etc. There are some depts that allow people to live further away from a station and may not be a part of an initial alarm assignment. Some places do have duty crews for over night responses etc. So the whole 5 minute response thing to the station doesn't always come into play.

As for getting on a dept, that also depends. You would have to go through training and get certified to operate here, but the requirements vary by depts. So it depends on where you go and their rules.
The last I know - It's a jungle..

It's nice and easy in Denmark, the education is the same for all, volunteer or full time..
Do you know where in the US you'll be moving to?
No idea..
Have you thought about contacting a department here and coming in for a week or so to observe how they operate? I'd say if that was possible it would be the best way to get a feel for it...
The first issue is, how are you coming to the US? If you are not here on work visa or green card there may be issues with you getting a position. But, if you come legally then any rules of the firehouses should apply to you. Where would you be thinking of living if you did come over?
I have yes..
I have also thought about the fact that I don't have 1000USD to spend on a plane-ticket for just a week.
I am thinking NY state or similar.. East coast and a bit north..
Oh dang. Didn't think it'd be that much.
Man, you need to come down south and not worry about those Yankies. We have better weather, better looking women, and we are definately more friendly.

Not trying to start anything with my northern brothers ;-).
500 each way.. After all, I do have to cross the Atlantic..
Haha.. :P
If you have blue lights on POV's I'm sold!

Women and POV.. Nothing beats that.. ;-)

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